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Chaos vs flyers


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Well of course the 25-point one shot str 7 anti-air is not optimal, but he's not looking for optimal, he's looking for anti-air options without going outside of the codex or taking flyers.  It's not optimal because he's not looking for the "best" options, just the ones he will like.


As for the Havocs, I always think throwing in a couple extra bodies is the best idea.  But if he's only got a few points in his list he may not be able to, and may not WANT to dedicate all those points to a shooty unit.  More guys means a more effective squad but at a greater cost--upsides and downsides to both.  I think it depends on the rest of his build and his play style.  If he can afford a big fat unit of Havocs and it fits how he plays, do that.


@jansuza: you could always do what I do, and run almost all stuff that can be in assault turn two or three.  I have a big advantage over flyer-heavy armies because so many of their points are invested in stuff that comes on later, meaning that I can often fight a portion of their army with most of mine.

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If you are going to start to play competative, you really only have two options, sadly, and they have already been mentioned.


1) build a list to resist them and ignore them. It's been done, even in tournies.


2) Get flyers for AA


I picked up a drake for my pretty much just for AA. My list is 100 infantry, but I didn't want to go the route of havoc running all ML and flakk. For one thing, other flyers can take that unit out too easily as I have proven with my own drake. Now because I purposes got my drake for AA, I chose the hades cannon. I completel disagree with those saying that's a bad choice for AA. When you combine BOTH the vector strike and the Hades, that's a lot of attacks onto another flyer. And being a flyer, with a 5+ invuln, and possibility to replenish lost HP, it's not as easy to take out as some ML havocs. If the opponent doesn't have flyers, that drake does great against ground troops. There is nothing like zooming over a tank, hitting it on the fly-by, then hitting it in the rear armor with that cannon. AP3 attacks on the fly-by on MEQ, then hitting a tank with the cannon, all in one turn? Seriously, this drake is WELL worth its points in my army.

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I'm curious whether the new Daemon book has any AA options we could use? Does anyone with a copy of the codex want to weigh in? I sort of get the feeling that, other than flying MCs, it won't. But maybe I'm wrong.

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Soul grinder is a decent choice for AA, plus he is no slouch in assault. He is basically a mix between a hadesfiend and defiler sans the standard cannon.

Is a GD only str 6 ? if GD is str 7, they should be fairly good at vector strike.

I didnt notice u were a mod now minigun, congrats ! good choice.

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Soul grinder is a decent choice for AA, plus he is no slouch in assault. He is basically a mix between a hadesfiend and defiler sans the standard cannon.

Is a GD only str 6 ? if GD is str 7, they should be fairly good at vector strike.

I didnt notice u were a mod now minigun, congrats ! good choice.

Thanks! I do what I can to help.


Most GD are S6, so you're decent at vector striking but a drake still beats you.

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I'm curious whether the new Daemon book has any AA options we could use? Does anyone with a copy of the codex want to weigh in? I sort of get the feeling that, other than flying MCs, it won't. But maybe I'm wrong.


Heck Space Wolves have zero AA in their codex. Didn't even get the option for Flakk missle upgrade in an FAQ.  For some reason, AA from a bunch of deamons just sounds strange and odd.

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The defiler's default gun - basically a three shot autocannon - can choose whether or not it has skyfire when it shoots.  Three BS3, S3 shots at a bit under 150 points (typically closer to 180 with upgrades) isn't going to scare most fliers, especially without intercepter, but it's something, I guess.  They also have that FW plague fly flier thing.


Daemons' best anti-flier option, as with most armies, is allied guard.

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