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Khorne Chaos Lords with Juggernaut


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  • 1 month later...

I put my Khorne Lord with the Axe on a Juggernaught, and he goes with four spawn.  The spawn are great meat shields as they are resistant to most shooting (except stupid poisoned weapons), and he keeps up with them well.


My advice?  Don't multi-charge even small units with him.  I've made this mistake more than once.  Losing the two attacks from Rage hurts bad, and if you roll a one on the daemon weapon that's a whole lot of attacks at your 3+ save dude!

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Anyone tried this combination? Was it any good?

My 1st try a few days back saw him took wounds from poisoned weapons. With a single wound left, he successfully assaulted a Desintegrator Ravager and rolled 1 for the BlindFury --> died. Funny moments :lol:


But he sure got potential (as how my friend has been doing) and looks cool riding a Juggernaut, something I always wanted to play since the 3rd Ed. So he'll stay for while in my list.


My setup is - BlindFury, Juggernaut, Sigil, Veteran 

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I play him in a Bike squad, this way he gets the benefits of the Icon, and have 2 Meltas with him and a LC champ.


Everyone moves 12", you make a turboboost move of 10" with the Bikes, make the Lords sprint, only need to be in unit coherence, next turn the meltas opens transports and you charge what comes out.


I make them run side to side with a Maulerfiend, for high Armor transports or to soak in ennemy attacks with their Flagellums.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Slayer: I was going to try that this weekend, then someone pointed out if that happens the Bikes all have cover and he does not . . . meaning you can focus fire on him alone.  I was grateful they said something before I did that because having my Lord singled out with no squad cover by an entire army would be a day-ruiner.  


Of course you might be able to run a slightly slower version of that with Raptors?  But for my money, Lord on Juggernaught with Spawn are where it's at every time.  I like the idea that he uses all the failed Chaos Champions that turned into spawn as his meat shields.  


As for how killy he is, he pretty regularly takes out entire squads on his own in two or three rounds of combat.  Providing he doesn't roll a one for the daemon weapon--then it takes an extra round.  Or, you know, he dies horribly.  

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.The Lord can always make Look out Chief on the bikes, who have chances to survive with a 4+ cover save, then Spawns with no save at all...


And if you are fast enough and can hide efficiently your Bikes+Lord, there is little chances that your opponent can shoot at them.

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  • 2 months later...

Lord, Juggernaut, AoBF, VotLW, Sigil = 175 points. I've played about 6 games with the new codex and he has yet to not make back his points. He also has never survived a game, which I feel is the way it should be. I've run him with 2-5 spawn as I've tweaked my list and found that 3-4 works best depending on your points. Under 3 let him get shot up, and over 4 was overkill in most games. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pretty much. Not always a bad thing, since that way he's less likely to hack apart the whole squad in your turn (which is bad), plus it also gives him rolls on the Boon chart. If you want to avoid challenges, you may be able to deploy him at the back of the unit and try not to be engaged at the start of the Fight subphase. It doesn't always work, but it's worth the try.

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I wonder, what would two Juggerlords do?  One with the AoBF, the other with Fist and Claw in a big unit of spawn.


To clarify, the non AoBF lord would be there to Challenge, while the Axe Lord would go Hackin, Whackin and Slashing (choppin that meat) on the squad.

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I run mine with 5 spawn every time. Last game he took on 20+ 'gaunts and killed them on my opponents turn then he proceeded to assault the hive tyrant. The Tyrant had to accept and my clever wound allocation/placement made it so 4 spawns and a squad a noise marines charged him(the noise champ had distracted the tyrant for the one turn I needed him to) and I got 4 re-rolls with him from the spectators. It was glorious. He ganked the Tyrant on my opponents turn, even with a lashwhip and bonesword. He would have charged the Mawloc but the game ended. Skulls for the Skull Throne!


As far as 2 Juggerlords, you might be better off with one Juggerlord and another lord on a bike for challenges. When you focus fire you choose a "X+" or no-save value. The "plus" is key, so when your opponent focuses fire and tries to be tricky with cover-save 5+ it includes 6+ and no-save. SO your spawn still shield it up.

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while the Axe Lord would go Hackin, Whackin and Slashing (choppin that meat) on the squad.

Cool, you've jsut named my jugger lord for me, Butcher Pete it is!


I was thinking about running one on his own in 1750. I ran one in 1k on his own and he was good hiding behind ork trucks, and terrian to advance. but in bigger games I think it'll be harder to hide him, but also he'll be worth less, so if I keep him at 175, can hide him away then jump something turn 3/4. Do you think that could work or is it complete sucide? bearing in mind im not in tounrie scene or owt hyper competative like that (running dreds, pred, looted wagon from orks etc)

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hmmm.... would he be good with a bunch of warp talons?


He wouldn't be bad, much more killy and armour saves are nice but for the same price of a talon you can get a chaos spawn, which is T5 with three wounds and for 5 spawn(which is cheaper than a unit of warptalons  because spawn don't have a champ) you get 15 ablative wounds. With a large group of Talons it can be promising so long as it isn't the only fire magnet in your army but that's still 5 less wounds. It would really come down to your list and playstyle. I  run Talons in higher point values, because they are a steal for what they're equipped with, running behind or flanking with the juggerlord/spawn.

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Not to get too far off topic, but I really like Warp Talons myself.  Flying Terminators with a mutable statline and in my opinion better than Sanguinary Guard (which actually have a terminator save and shooting but no Invulnerable).  Warp Talons run guys down and Rip N Tear nicely.


I'm very annoyed with myself for making my own Raptors (Khorne Beserker bodies with Loyalist Jump Packs) before I knew the new-hotness kits were coming out.

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