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Forcing the Key to work


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Try this on for size.


Where I play, we try to keep the rules fairly strict mostly out of courteosy and simplicity. That said, if we forget to roll for reserves at the start of the movement phase, it means you don't get to roll and have to go on. Now I'm not sure how "official" that rule is, but if that's how play goes for most other people, couldn't we "forget" to roll for reserves on turn 2 if the key isn't activated and give our lord the time he needs to get those kills? I know it'd be hindering our forces temporarily, but that's a heck of a tactic to get pinpoint accuracy with our deepstrikes.


Assuming I'm right, is the key worth it to you now?

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Well I don't think it's cheating to use a rule to our advantage. I'm mostly asking if this rule is how everyone plays, and if so, can we use it to make an (otherwise useless) item actually work?
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No, you cannot voluntarily forget to roll reserves that you don't want to show up, any more than you can voluntarily forget a round of close combat that you don't want to happen, or voluntarily forget to move models that are killed, or voluntarily forget to roll pinning or morale tests, or voluntarily forget to roll on the boon table when Abaddon kills a character because you don't think there's anything on that chart half as good for him as spawndom or dark ascencion are terrible.


Sometimes things get missed in game, and different communities will have different conventions for what to do in those situations, just like they'll have different conventions on what to do if dice roll off the table. But gaming those conventions for in game benefits is just as much cheating as deliberately knocking dice on the floor to reroll them if you don't like their result.

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