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Brace yourself.... The Dark Angels are coming


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With the release of DA right around the corner I'm expecting to see a lot more dark angels on the table top.


Have you guys thought about how you will change your list to ready yourself for them?


Will you take them as allies?


For my tournament list I know I'll be including a plasma cannon on my raven and might be including some combi-plasma sternguards as well.

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A DA divination librarian with 30 tacticals is around 480-500 pts a good ally in for BA. Being able to Deathwing Assault 1st or 2nd turn reliably is going to play well with Sanguinary Guard. All 2+ BA/DA lists look viable. I get my codex in another 2-4 hours and will build a few Dark Blood lists .
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My brother has like 3500pts of really nicely painted DA models that are the Angels of Absolution (halved green/bone) I think (2 Baneblades too... some people have all the monies). I will be running some of his more tactical Deathwing and such with Belial as scoring allies probably.


I've somehow gotten 3 pewter Terminator chaplains over the years in swaps and big bitz boxes. Maybe I'll do some of my own.

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As far as "What we will do about them", since I won't be home until long after the FotM effect has worn off I won't have to worry about it. But if I was, I would have to say Plasma. Lots of plasma. You all bashed me taking Plasma Cannons on my Tacticals. Well, baby! Its gonna pay off with all the frikin' Terminators! Another way for me to address this is the x4 Plasma Honor Guard. Now, you're gonna say "But Kickrock, just take Combi-Plasma! It'll cost less and you can take more!" I agree with this statement 100%! If this was a scuicide squad who's goal is to drop in and take out a big target turn 1 then I would agree with the Combi-Melta. But each of those Combi-Plasma will only get 1 shot before they turn into AT BEST AP3 weapons. Sure, Terminators die to weight of fire, but they die to consistant AP2 shooting faster.


I havn't been using my Vidicators. Since 5th they've kinda taken a back seat. My area took a long time to adjust to 6th edition. If I get back home and everyone has Deathwing and Ravenwing on the board you'd better beleive that I'm dropping those AP2 S10 LBlasts on kids heads.


As for taking them as Allies, its too early for me to say. I'm going to get the PDF and the White Dwarf and look over the units. I play more of an "Alpha Strike" Drop Pod style lists that Deathwing could accomidate and compliment wonderfully. The two reason that I would avoid this (right now) is becuase right now Space Wolves are filling that nitch and they're so far the best models I've painted to date... I wanna show them off! Second, I have a problem when painting White or Cream colors. A shoulder pad or a helmet is one thing but an entire model?! I would avoid using them based on that fact alone! It doesn't mean that I won't address this later, if I never try to paint it I won't learn to paint it. But it definatly won't be a project I'll attempt this year.

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I took a glance at the WD batrep and took it with a grain of salt due to the ussual "new army wins by awesome means lolz!" bit that always seems to creep into them <_< all those ravenwing bikes seem to be equipped with twin linked plasmaguns though which makes them pretty terrifying in my book ph34r.gif

As far as I can tell though theyre not getting any meaningfull assault units outside of their pimped up terminators so the only real thing that we need to adjust to are the bikers. Those terminators hudling together for T5 are brilliant since I generally always have a Vindicator! Yes, please all stand shoulder to shoulder, you will be well protected laugh.gif

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I don't mind them really. The Auspex is quite nasty when applied with correct timing, and the abomination of a speeder shrouding everything in 6" or 12" not sure right now, can be annoying. Other than that, their flyers are no match for the might of the stormraven, their terminators are pretty expensive, especially the command squad versions, and twin-linked plasma guns on bikers are good, but nothing to be afraid about. Black Knights command squads are 3 members, the others are up to 10(which is probably the reason most people will play the latter), however expensive in points.


I think they've got a pretty good codex, and looking through the rules, a pretty fluffy one on top of that. Nice for them, I say! Not sure on all that warp-based stuff they got though, sounds pretty...you know, chaos-y.


Here's hoping that our Captains will finally get access to artificer armour like their Company Masters if our codex hits. I like the style of the new 6th edition dexes, pretty straight-forward, and they actually got their own armoury back where you can choose gear instead of listing it all under the unit entry of a character. Speaking of Characters, all rules are looking good, nothing really abusive and quite close to the fluff. Like that.





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Holy *** I want to ally that ravenwing grenade launcher... -1 TOUGHNESS on the unit hit? ASM will wreak havoc on everything you prep with that baby! Add some cheap tacticals as scoring troops and a ridiculously cheap librarian (naked costs 65 points, mastery lvl 2 costs the same as our naked guy, thank you very much...), and that might be very nasty indeed.


Not impressed at all by their flyers though, they look cool but not something to worry about too much. Darkshroud Landspeeder gives everything shrouded in 6'', means 3+ jink save bikers (since they're skilled riders), quite a nasty combo but I don't think it's overpowered. Some bikers have twin-linked plasmaguns with 1 shot and 18'' range, it's sort of a tradeoff.

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With the release of DA right around the corner I'm expecting to see a lot more dark angels on the table top.


Have you guys thought about how you will change your list to ready yourself for them?


Will you take them as allies?


For my tournament list I know I'll be including a plasma cannon on my raven and might be including some combi-plasma sternguards as well.


I like the idea of the Dark Talon shooting its rift cannon and dropping stasis bombs on things I want to kill in combat, that may be a little expensive. Another option is taking Ravenwing knights to get my hands on their grenade launcher which does something similar dropping weapon skill and initiative. These items that drop initiative and weapon skill sound like a good buff for even plain assault squads.

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