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Chaos Codex Changes

bjørn eirik

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As I didn't find any topics regarding this, I have some a question and I won't mind of others send more questions to be answered here by other users (as long as my questions gets answere first, dohoho).


What I'm wondering is regarding the Raptors. What are their weapon options? How many of each type? Can you for example have 1 meltagun for each 5 members in the unit, or is is 0-1? How big can a unit be? Points won't be an issue as I do plan on buying the book soon enough, I just want to know how I can equip my Raptor squad.


I do have the last codex, of course, but I haven't found the newest one for purchace at my local 40k store, so I figured I'd ask here instead, what with you guys being so helpful and positive.


Thank you in advance.


(Also, if this is in the wrong section, please move it. Cheers.)

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Up to 2 Raptors may replace their Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol or take a Special Weapon (Flamer, Melta Gun, Plasma Gun).


Squad size doesn't matter. Hope that helps :devil:

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FYI, plasma pistols on raptors are not an option.


Sure they are. Up to two per squad, like the rest of the special weapon options. Would you want to take them? Maybe, depends on what you plan on pointing them at, I guess. The only of their four options that I personally would avoid like the plague is the full-sized plasma guns. An assault unit with rapid fire weapons? No thanks.

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Well, plasma pistol really is a pointless option, since you can take meltagun without losing pistol.

That is both cheaper and has better rules... wallbash.gif

You may believe a choice has been made, but Chaos has subtly guided yu to your conclusion! MWAHAhahahahaha!!!!

Indeed, praise be Tzeentch! He has guided me to the lower AP higher S and less points option, just like I knew he would!

...wait, what did you say? Bikers get relentless plasma guns for the same price? Well, at least the raptor box is an awesome source of bits! whistling.gif

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FYI, plasma pistols on raptors are not an option.


Sure they are. Up to two per squad, like the rest of the special weapon options. Would you want to take them? Maybe, depends on what you plan on pointing them at, I guess. The only of their four options that I personally would avoid like the plague is the full-sized plasma guns. An assault unit with rapid fire weapons? No thanks.


I mean in the sense that other posters have commented on. The meltagin costs 5 points less, is +1 strength, -1 armor penetration, doesn't get hot, adds d6 to the armor penetration within 6 inches, and the raptor still gets the +1 attack in close combat. A complete win-win across the board!


Why the option for plasma pistols was included is anybody's guess. Maybe Tzeentch playing tricks? Could also be Slaanesh wanting your raptors to self immolate with the "gets hot" rule.

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Could also be Slaanesh wanting your raptors to self immolate with the "gets hot" rule.


Th extra points costs and so is to do with the fact that you look cool with a plasma pistol, until it gets hot and you look like 'that plonker who should have gone with a melta-gun'.

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now if only we could deep strike on target reliably

only loyalists are allowed to do that: "guiding light of the emperor" and all that msn-wink.gif

Because after 10,000 years in the warp and selling your soul to ruin, you still really have no idea how it works at all. Unless, of course, you have a key that opens up a rift, which still doesn't work because you have no idea how it works. Your chief magician Phillius Kellius screwed the pooch with his research attempts.

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FYI, plasma pistols on raptors are not an option.


Sure they are. Up to two per squad, like the rest of the special weapon options. Would you want to take them? Maybe, depends on what you plan on pointing them at, I guess. The only of their four options that I personally would avoid like the plague is the full-sized plasma guns. An assault unit with rapid fire weapons? No thanks.


Minimum raptor squad naked with 2 plasma guns (which while not a particularly awesome unit, actually CAN be used) is a few lightyears ahead/better than if you totally ruin the squad with plasma pistols, making the unit...almost worthless in comparison.


Obviously, 2 melta guns is the safe and sound choice (maybe flamers), but when you claim that plasma guns on raptors (yes, I know it`s an assault unit) are WORSE aka harder to use effectivly compared to the horrible items called "plasma pistols" (I think of them more as something tzeentch forces marines to carry around as a religious icon, for Lord Tzeentchs own amusement than an actual weapon choice), I must sadly protest.


Again, 5 man naked raptor squad with 2 plasma guns, while hardly optimal,is still a lot better than if you instead of taking meltas/flamers end up shooting yourself in the leg, taking those pathetic overcosted plasma pistols instead. Sure, a 5 man naked plasma gun squad would no longer have an assault role obviously, but if you chuck on 3 plasma pistols instead (2 and then you also ruin your champ with it like some do), that unit would be far less worth its points compared to the plasma gun squad that could actually fly around and rapid fire stuff (while the plasma pistols do...what exactly?)



No, indeed, plasma pistol is not a choice for Raptors. A plasma pistol is worth max 5-8 points, and its blatantly deranged to pay 15 for one, or worse, if you take more of them.


Of course, this is just my "opinion", but good luck making an argument where you theoretically, or empirically for that matter,"prove" that plasma pistols on raptors is a decent choice. I for one, would sure as hell rather then have 2 plasma guns (not that I would take anything but melta on them, but in theory) even if the rest of the unit was rigged for assault. If I was allowed to shoot with them only once in the entire game, that would likely still be better than charging in with those plasma pistols(it is simply completly illogical that those plasma pistols cost MORE than a melta gun)..



Anyway, rant over :)

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FYI, plasma pistols on raptors are not an option.
Sure they are. Up to two per squad, like the rest of the special weapon options. Would you want to take them? Maybe, depends on what you plan on pointing them at, I guess. The only of their four options that I personally would avoid like the plague is the full-sized plasma guns. An assault unit with rapid fire weapons? No thanks.
I mean in the sense that other posters have commented on. The meltagin costs 5 points less, is +1 strength, -1 armor penetration, doesn't get hot, adds d6 to the armor penetration within 6 inches, and the raptor still gets the +1 attack in close combat. A complete win-win across the board! Why the option for plasma pistols was included is anybody's guess. Maybe Tzeentch playing tricks? Could also be Slaanesh wanting your raptors to self immolate with the "gets hot" rule.




Plasma pistol is just one of those items I just don`t understand. I mean, they used to cost 15 points, how is it that they could not severly decrease its cost when the new 6ed came out? Makes no sense.

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now if only we could deep strike on target reliably

only loyalists are allowed to do that: "guiding light of the emperor" and all that msn-wink.gif

Because after 10,000 years in the warp and selling your soul to ruin, you still really have no idea how it works at all. Unless, of course, you have a key that opens up a rift, which still doesn't work because you have no idea how it works. Your chief magician Phillius Kellius screwed the pooch with his research attempts.

I sold my soul to the dark gods and all i got was this lousy t shirt

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I sold my soul to the dark gods and all i got was this lousy t shirt

Don't forget you also might get fused with a wall due to a DS mishap. That is included free with the shirt.

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