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Zombie preformance.


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So in the old codex I ran zombies as count as lesser daemons in a "Zombie Bomb" type list off icons. I absolutly love the list. And even though I never won any local tournies with it. I always placed well because the list was so unorthadox and also just fun to play.


How are zombies preforming for you or even against you in 6th ed? What do have you seen them being used for successfully?


like to know how they do against another swarm of almost same size.


do you always run Typhus in with them?


Tell me your Success.


Would love to hear a group of zombies taken down Dragio or the like.

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If you go Typhus + only zombies armies, you get a situational army. It's a hard counter to flyer heavy lists and some armies can't kill 120+ models with Fearless, feel no pain and stuff.
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I've only run one squad of 35 zombies thus far. I don't have the models for it, but I'd love to double that up at some point.


I played them with Typhus embedded in their squad, but I'm not so sure I'd do that again. They had a real tough time rolling well to get through difficult terrain as such a large mob, so Typhus didn't get to the action I wanted him to get to. They manage to tie up melee squads that might assault your back lines real well, or deep striking units that might show up on your side of the table. They're a tarpit for sure, but their massive number of attacks does quite well to rip up smaller squads after a couple rounds of combat.


Doing this in the future, and once I get MOAR ZOMBIES!!!, I'll run Typhus separately with terminators (deep striking in), and just leave the zombies to secure the backline, or crowd the center of the field.


I wouldn't run an all zombies-as-troops list. Really, the benefit of these guys is that they're so cheap, they let you fill out your list better elsewhere (rather than running 3-4 Plague Marine squads, and having to leave some as backline troops). So you can have your Havocs to deal with fliers, or Oblits, or the Heldrake, or that expensive Typhus/Termie Death Star unit.

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I ran 40 in 2 units of 20 in an epi ally list. they did well at tying things up that I didnt want to deal with until I had enough kills elsewhere. meant logan+termies and a thunder wolf unit didnt hit my lines until my plaguemarines and unit of 15 bearers could slice em up easily.


Think both units lasted for 2 turns although against the termies it was 3, as I almost completly surrounded him meaning he lsot a turn of movement, then due to where zombies died actually consolidated away from my lines to continue combat. was very impressed with them, and lsit in general, but then heard it was a common power build, and deamons were cheesy so didnt invest in the lsit beyond a unit of plagues, a nurgle dred, a lord and a unit of 8 bearers

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  • 5 weeks later...

I've been playing zombie pretty heavily, usually running 2, 35 man hordes, or a 35 horde, and 2, 10 man objective holders. I typically put Typhus accompanied by a decked out sorcerer in the front horde, and walk them straight up the middle of the field. 


Last game I played was V Necrons, using the 35,10,10 build. The necron player deepstruck 4 wraiths and a destroyer lord in my backfield, Zombies turned around and killed the wraiths on the charge, and the destroyer was tied up for the remainder of the game. 


Every game I've played them in they've managed to either tie up about double their points, or kill at least their points. I'd advise  throwing enfeeble or gift of contagion on a unit their about to charge to really boosts survival and killing power.

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I mentioned it elsewhere already, but I played this 2000 point game against Grey Knights:



Warpsmith - MoN

7 Plague Marines - 2 plasma guns, power fist

20 Cultists - MoN, 2 flamers

20 Cultists - MoN, 2 heavy stubbers, autoguns

35 Zombies

35 Zombies

28 Zombies

7 Havocs - MoN, 2 flakk launchers, 2 autocannons

3 Obliterators - MoN


6 Nurgling Swarms

Aegis Defense Line - Lascannon



The Zombies made up the first wave, bogging down the two dreadknights so that they'd be useless all game. This worked nicely, so that by the time they got out of combat I had gotten the tally to 20, allowing the cultists(!) to beat them to a pulp. I see Zombies as a speedbump, a monstrous creature tarpit, a massive psychological deterrence (well, when you have 98...;)), and occasionally a scoring unit.

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