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So, the rules for bombs say they can be dropped on any model, period.


This means they can be dropped on:


- Enemy models in close combat

- Friendly models anywhere


Such is the complete definition of any model.



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Dropping danger close to allies happens in real life, I don't see why it can't happen in-game. Besides, comedy abounds if you miss and splat your own troops.

Yes, but this will lead to some players (such as myself) trying my luck at dropping bombs on enemy flyers or skimmers, just to see who'll let me play fast and loose with such a rule. Surprisingly, my local GW actually let me get away with this as it made a fantastic narrative device for a weapon destroyed Thunderhawk I was using.

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The bomb is a blast based weapon, so following the rules for blast and large blast weapons, "You cannot place a blast marker so that the base or hull of a friendly model is even partially under it", so you cannot place the bomb over friendly models. You have to follow both rules, one rule states you can place the blast over any model, the other sais that it cannot be placed over friendlies, I would argue that you could not place the blast over friendly models. But as for enemy models in close comat, if you could pull it off without touching an ally, then be my guest.
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It says that it is "a special kind of attack called a Bombing Run."


It also counts as having fired a weapon for the following shooting phase, but otherwise it itself isn't one.


Finally, for giggles, Blast says "When firing a blast..." and then lists limitations like can't hit a friendly.


So, it's not a Shooting attack (it's a Bombing Run). One could, I suppose, technically claim that since it isn't a shooting attack by the word Bombing Run (though it counts as having fired a weapon, has a ranged profile, and distinctly says that the other weapons can fire at other targets) then the limitations don't exist, but that's really pushing it and against what I believe.



Good catch, chaps!

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