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How can i make combi meltas?

War Angel

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I recently bought a pack of bolters from forge world to use for my sternguard. (It's the ones with the storm bolter ammo pack, I think they are called ferux umbrus pattern?)


I was going to just add some melta barrels to them and be done with it, but now that I have them I see that they are smaller than normal bolters. Both in height and thickness. Then I take a closer look at a combi melta(both the sternguard and commander version) and I notice they are even bigger than normal bolters.


Long story short I now realize I've made a miscalculation. Has any one worked with these bolters before? I'm trying to wrap my head around all my options and what the best look will be.


Thanks for the help

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I made combi-meltas for my Sternguard using that bolter.

I didn't have any inferno pistols to hand but used melta guns (one metal and four of the new finecast ones. The latter were far easier to cut up!). There's an image in my Thousand Sons WIP thread (link in sig), post #57. It's nothing fancy and wasn't cheap but they look good in the marines' hands (plus their left hands cover most of the melta part's body anyway.

And just slap that on to the front of the gun?


Well, you could, but it'd look sloppy. On mine I've shaved all of parts off of the front of the the bolter (barrel, bayonet mount, etc) and moved the barrel up so it's inline with the shell ejection port. The inferno pistol barrel then gets glued onto the bolter approximately where the bayonet mount used to be. I'll try and take a pic when I get home tonight, if my camera's batteries aren't shot.

And just slap that on to the front of the gun?

Pretty much laugh.png

Heres a pic of the one I didhttp://farm9.staticflickr.com/8512/8383264981_bf456888f8.jpg' alt='8383264981_bf456888f8.jpg'> CIMG0002 by Razblood, on Flickr[/img]

You just move the bolter barrel up a bit till it's in line with the breach and stick the melta barrel below it. the place the ammo canister for the melta in the area where the gun decoration usually is, with the connection hose pointing down and there you have it.

Ok thanks, I didn't check this earlyer, but I did a test with a normal melta, I kinda tore apart the bolter to do it, could you guys check it out and tell me what you think? Links in my sig, it's the last post I made.


Thanks for you're help guys.

Hmm, seems like just adding the melta barrel does look quite acceptable! I'm not sure if I'm ever going to use my 4 Inferno Pistols, while the more numerous Meltas are slightly more likely (even if for a Chaos melta spam squad or something), so this is something to consider at least. Or, failing that, could just mold-cast some melta barrels.


Also, similarly combi-flamer looks like it'd be simple enough to make from the Hand Flamer barrels + canisters?

Yup. You might consider putting a spacer in between the bolter frame and the handgrip, otherwise you can't fit the "hose" part of the handflamer on it. I've got one done, and found that out the hard way. It doesn't look too bad without it, but I want to do the other 3 in the unit with the entire assembly, so that's what I'm planning on doing.

Same principle works for plasma pistols into combi-plasmas too, although you might use more of the plasma pistol for that.


Personally I've found that the storm bolter provides a bit more space to work with for my wolf guard's combi-weapons, but not everyone has the right storm bolters for that.


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