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Noise marines and sonic weapons- army viability

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I played in a 1000pt tournament over the weekend and tried out a 10 man Noise Marine Squad with 7 Sonics and 2 Blastmasters.

I was mightily impressed with them.


Interesting! Were these the only Noise Marines in the force or were there any other smaller squads, i.e. 125 w/ Blastmaster MSU squads? Also, did the 10 man squad have the icon or any upgrades to the AC?

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At a 1000pts it had to cut back on the luxuries, so I couldn't afford Icons (or even sacred numbers ;-) )

My list was:

Lord, MoS, Steed, Murder Sword

10 Noise Marines, 7 Sonic Blasters, 2 Blastmasters

10 CSM, MoS, 2 melta, fist (go with Lord)

5 Chaos Bikers, MoS, 2 Melta, Power Axe


Auto Cannon Pred with Las side sponsons.


I played 8 games over two days and they lost to daemons and Tau (I should have beaten the Tau but I was a bit drunk and forgot my own rules).


I was amazed at just how frightening Blastmasters are now that they ignore cover. A large ish unit can easily go against 2 Long Fang units and come out on top. I know they cost more points but the psychological effect they have on the opposition is not to be underestimated.

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NM are a pretty good asset in a Chaos army. I'm contemplating taking ten of those baddies to join the ranks of my Black Legion.

10 NM

Champion with Power sword

Icon of Excess (I consider it cost efficient passed nine models)

7 Sonic Blasters and 2 Blastmasters

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Nice feedback.


I was happy to hear about the changes, and quite surprised about the blastmaster one.


I have to say though, the change makes me want to invest in sonic blasters even less now, taking 8 body bags for a pair of blastmasters seems cheaper and easier, especially if you have them camping out in an ADL with someone manning the quad gun.

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