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Terminater Lord weapons


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Evening minions of the Dark Gods.


Ok so new year and I am finally going to be entering golden demon this year.


What I need to know is what are the current weapon options available to a Lord in terminaters armour. I'm not fussed about how good they are with rules, points or anything else like that. Just looks.


This project will be for the duel category. I plan on having a Chaos Lord jumping down with possibly an overhead swing on to a loyalist space marine captin, again in termiter armour. The loyalist will have a shield blocking the lords swing and some kind of weapon being swung around to meet the Lord. Hope that makes sense lol.


So as said current weapon options would be great and if anyone has any good ideas about possible faction noted to having an ongoing fued other then of course imperial and chaos. And any other ideas that you thinkmay help.


Cheers all.

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The fact that Power Weapons is such a wide category in this edition pretty much means that really any weapon you want can be used. The new Forge World Death Guard termies have awesome scythes and the new DA termie backs have some cool weapons.


Thousand Sons and Space Wolves, Night Lords and Blood Angels/Ultra Marines (or any successor)/Dark Angels, Iron Warriors and Imperial Fists. I also imagine the Iron Hands have a special place in there hearts for the Emperors Children. Those are the groups that come time mind when I think of forces fighting for something more than just Imperial V Chaos. The Ultra Marines and successors laid waste the Night Lords second home, El Johnson and the Night Haunter almost killed each other on a few occasions. Hope I helped.

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I think it would be interesting seeing a Thousand Sons/ Space Wolf character battle, as having one of them being a sorceror allows you a lot of freedom with spell effects in your modelling. However in that case (1K Sons vs. Space Wolves) it seems like the Wolves would more likely be the aggressor rather than the Chaos model...
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Chaos Lords in TDA start with power weapon and combi-bolter.

They can replace the power weapon with a power fist, chainfist of lightning claw.

They can replace the combi-bolter with a combi-flamer, plasma or melta.

They can also drop the ranged option all together and replace it with any one of the melee weapons.

Finally, they can replace one weapon for Burning Brand (demonized flamer), Axe of Blind Fury (Khorne only), Murder Sword or The Black Mace.


If you want a good feud, Dark Angels vs The Fallen would fit. Traitor Dark Angels would be in dark grey tho, and that usually looks kind of flat.


Another good burning hatred pairing would be Thousand Sons and Wolves. It even lends itself to blue vs grey of the US civil war era although the roles are kind of reversed.


And I seem to remember something about Celestial Lions being wiped out in one of the wars over Armageddon but I am not sure how that played out. It could be a couple of characters in that bit of fluff you could model. Maybe look them up in the Lexicanum pages.

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