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Reserve rolls mandatory?


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Hey all!

I got a pretty simple question.

I think the general idea with reserves are to bolster the troops when and where it's needed the most.

As i play Blood Angels with alot of deep strike able units i was wondering if i really have to make the roll in round two? And if i have to; can i then put them in ongoing reserves and chose to deploy at a later round?

Cheers for any help on this matter smile.png

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The rules say you start rolling for reserves on turn 2. In order not to, you need to find a rule that says not to. Point to note, d of a allows you to reroll successful reserve rolls as well for your jump pack units, so I'd suggest make sure you roll for any non-pack units first, then you can decide whether you want to try and not turn up yet or if you want to get as many units on the board as possible in order that they don't arrive piecemeal and get destroyed.
  On 1/14/2013 at 6:42 AM, Kaptejn said:

Can anyone point me towards any official words on this?

This one is actually written pretty clearly in the rule book. W40K, pg 124: "At the start of Turn Two, you must roll a D6 for each unit being held in reserves"

Yes, you have to roll for reserves, indeed you must when the time comes. I've once had opponent's conveniently "forget" to do so, and in doing so they were able to bring a MM Speeder at the right time to wreck a vehicle but not get destroyed due to game length. That's what it protects against. Imagine playing an army that had a couple of units hiding, hard to kill off, and then Turn 5 brought on a ton of reserves that wrecked the enemy and didn't allow him to strike back and even up the game.


That's why reserves must be rolled, it's for balance.

  On 1/14/2013 at 9:45 AM, Leonaides said:

The rules say you start rolling for reserves on turn 2. In order not to, you need to find a rule that says not to. Point to note, d of a allows you to reroll successful reserve rolls as well for your jump pack units, so I'd suggest make sure you roll for any non-pack units first, then you can decide whether you want to try and not turn up yet or if you want to get as many units on the board as possible in order that they don't arrive piecemeal and get destroyed.


Negative of Descent of Angels (I assume d of a...?) allowing you to re-roll successful Reserve Rolls. It specifically says that 'A Blood Angels unit with this special rule can re-roll failed reserve rolls if arriving by Deep Strike.'. This is a re-roll you do not have to take, as it does say can, not must. It can help you arrive earlier, but not delay longer.


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