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Blood Angels Death Company Dark Angels Black Knights

Drunken Angel

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I have a game tomorrow and will try this list here Black Knights Death Company


I see those stasis grenade launchers as a useful buff for any assault unit especially if you only have to hit a unit to drop its initiative. I am going to try and run Death Company Jump packers with the Black Knights stasis grenades softening up the unit before assault. Has anyone else seen any useful units in the DA codex we could use to buff Blood Angels yet?


For those who have not seen it Black Knights are a fast attack bikers choice at 126 pts for 3 of them for DA. One model can take a grenade launcher which either fires 4 types of grenade, 2 fire 24 inches. 2 more fire 12 inches either stasis grenades (-1I -1 WS) or rad (-1T)


The BK have pretty decent close combat ability shoot twin linked 18" plasma and take melta bombs for 5 points. They carry a teleport homer for free a TPH costs us 25 pts on scout bikers. I would imagine their pals the Death Company will take care of combat . I am thinking deep striking land raiders are back .....

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I really wan't to see those rad grenades in action, I consider bulding an allied contingent almost like this myself, tell us how it went! smile.png

In my opinion though, DC don't really need more help in CC, so I'd use the rad or stasis grenades to soften up targets for regular ASM. It's like 5th ed FC, only way better since you also hit them on a 3+ tongue.png Then give the DA-libby a jump pack to run with the ASM and put some special weapons on the tacticals.

The Bomber also debuffs nicely, but has quite a hefty price tag. Still cool for friendly games though.

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Something that would buff Blood Angels? A mastery level 2 Librarian with Prescience, some other psychic power to taste, and a Power Field. Put him in the middle of your Death Company unit and most of the squad has a 3+/4+ with FNP. Very durable, and completely devastating to whatever they charge.
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Only problem with that is, you give the opponents a 4++ save as well


Leave him in the back when you charge. Though given that the DC will probably be hitting on re-rollable 3's and wounding on 3's or 2's, it probably won't matter much that you gave them a 4++. Only really relevant for your power weapon equipped DC.

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Something that would buff Blood Angels? A mastery level 2 Librarian with Prescience, some other psychic power to taste, and a Power Field. Put him in the middle of your Death Company unit and most of the squad has a 3+/4+ with FNP. Very durable, and completely devastating to whatever they charge.


Or put 10 DC with 2 axes and a fist on foot in a stormraven join with a bare bones libby using prescience and with a power field. The libby does not need to get out and gives the Stormraven and any nearby DC a 4++ while its in hover mode when dropping off the DC

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Something that would buff Blood Angels? A mastery level 2 Librarian with Prescience, some other psychic power to taste, and a Power Field. Put him in the middle of your Death Company unit and most of the squad has a 3+/4+ with FNP. Very durable, and completely devastating to whatever they charge.
Or put 10 DC with 2 axes and a fist on foot in a stormraven join with a bare bones libby using prescience and with a power field. The libby does not need to get out and gives the Stormraven and any nearby DC a 4++ while its in hover mode when dropping off the DC


That'd be a great plan, except allied units can't enter each others' transports. Though if you could get the libby near the drop off point some other way (perhaps attached to a bike squad) then you could achieve a similar effect.

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Something that would buff Blood Angels? A mastery level 2 Librarian with Prescience, some other psychic power to taste, and a Power Field. Put him in the middle of your Death Company unit and most of the squad has a 3+/4+ with FNP. Very durable, and completely devastating to whatever they charge.
Or put 10 DC with 2 axes and a fist on foot in a stormraven join with a bare bones libby using prescience and with a power field. The libby does not need to get out and gives the Stormraven and any nearby DC a 4++ while its in hover mode when dropping off the DC

That'd be a great plan, except allied units can't enter each others' transports. Though if you could get the libby near the drop off point some other way (perhaps attached to a bike squad) then you could achieve a similar effect.

Bike/Jump pack sounds good put him with with 4 Black Knights (they were the reason for the allies in the first place). A libby at T5 with a 4++ 3" range invun sounds good that Biker/JP libby with field generator will now cost 115 pts.

Either a bike or a jump pack, with careful placement and moving the libby out of 2" coherency you could still extend the 3" 4++ bubble only to troops in combat but that leaves the libby alone and vunerable again.

Perhaps just buy him a jump pack and bang him in with some Sanguinary Guard, Gotta think this out a bit confused.gif

Hmmm give him a jump pack and the 4++ field he is 110 pts but with him there you dont need a priest for 5+ FNP and he has other buffs .....

Positioned carefully on the charge who doesn't watch wher ethey put their priest anyway? he may give away one or two invuns but its worth thinking about or is it just a gimmic a 4++ on a unit holding an objective.

Yes a raven with a 4++ is just dirty

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Too keep it cheap but effective, I will use something along the following lines at first I guess:


- Librarian, Bike

- Ravenwing Command Squad, Grenade Launcher

- 2x 5 Tacticals with antiair-ML

and optional:

- Ravenwing Black Knights, Grenade Launcher


It comes in at 395 resp. 521 points, provides 2 cheap scoring units capable of excellent supporting fire, a resilient and fast librarian that can also keep up with your squads, grenade launchers (the main reason) and actually good plasma support. This should act very well at bolstering our weaknesses and make assault marines a damn serious threat.


If you hit a regular power-armor unit with both grenade launchers, your assault marines will strike first and hit on a rerollable 3+, then wound on a 2+. Since bikers are now quite tough and very fast, and the grenade launcher has 2 bodies in front of him, it shouldn't be easy to shut down for your opponent as well.

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I do really want to work out a list with Azrael, Ezekiel, 14 DC and a Crusader.... with a BA Librarian on a bike, Ravenwing Bikes as scoring troops and BA Attack Bikes thrown in there. Would be fun. ZOOOOOOM!

TBH leave Azrael and Ezekiel, just take Sammael or a biker Libby, either of those 2 fit right into a Blood Angels list so easily.

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