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A few rules questions


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Hi guys still trying to learn 6th edition and could not find the answers for the following questions and thought maybe you guys could help out.


1. A large blast is fired at a unit of Space Marines with the center template centered over my plasma gunner who is not in the front row. There is no scatter and a total of 5 wounds are caused. Where do I start saving from? Is it from the center of the blast marker and then working its way out from the center to closest models to the center? Or do I start from the closest model to the firer? Basically is my plasma gunner toast? I looked and I could not find where this is explained in the rule book. Is this why blast weapons are now the best sniper weapons in the game?


My next two questions deal with close combat...


2. During the pile in phase do all models not in base to base or within 2 inches of base to get to pile in 3 inches. For example, I made a long charge with some of my Space Marines against some IG. Only the first three marines would be in combat, we go through the initiative phase and come to my initiative phase 4 first do my unengaged Space Marines get another 3 inches to try and reach combat or does this not count for charging models? Once again please provide where this is in the rules.


3. I am fighting a combat with my close combat terminators against a nob squad. I have two lightning claw termis and three thunder hammer storm shield termis with them arranged as follows THSS, LC, THSS, LC, THSS, all touching the nobs that swing in with their power claws and score four wounds. How do saves work? For example would I roll one dice at a time on the left hand or right hand Thunder hammer Storm Shield (depending on which ever side I choose to start taking saves on) and then if I fail a 3++ save would I need to put the next save on a LC because I have to go straight in line? Or how does multiple different saves like that work in close combat?

Finally a vehicle question


4. I have a squad in a Rhino; during my opponents turn the Rhino is destroyed and explodes the squad passes their pinning check. Next turn can that squad move, shoot and assault as normal if the only result on the rhino was a explodes result. What if the Rhino also received a stunned result would that carry over to the squad too then?

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1: wounds are allocated as a normal shooting attack... so closest to the enemy first.


2: yes any unengaged models can move upto 3'' at their int step even if you charged this turn.


3: if ALL models are in base contact with the attacker/s then the defender (as it were) can choose who takes the wounds.. you dont have to go in a straight line.


4: if it is stunned then destroyed your marines CANNOT shoot in their following turn

  On 1/14/2013 at 11:43 PM, RastlinD said:

4. I have a squad in a Rhino; during my opponents turn the Rhino is destroyed and explodes the squad passes their pinning check. Next turn can that squad move, shoot and assault as normal if the only result on the rhino was a explodes result. What if the Rhino also received a stunned result would that carry over to the squad too then?


  On 1/14/2013 at 11:59 PM, company veteran said:

4: if it is stunned then destroyed your marines CANNOT shoot in their following turn

Also, in either case they can not assault in their next turn since the Rhino is not an assault vehicle.

  On 1/15/2013 at 6:53 PM, company veteran said:

it doesnt matter if the rhino is an assault vehicle or not if it is destroyed.

Actually, it does matter:

"Q: If a unit disembarks from a destroyed vehicle during the enemy turn, can it Charge in the Assault phase of its own turn? (p80)

A: No, unless the vehicle in question was an Assault Vehicle.", BRB FAQ


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