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Land Raider Ares or Terminus Ultra


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So I want to build one of these variants to add something extra to the look of my army. My question to you guys is which do you think is better in a BA force and are they even legal for us? Would they take up a heavy support slot in our FOC, only reason I ask is our other raiders are dedicated transports and I got into a discussion on another forum about this but didn't agree with the reasoning. Come on 6th edition update...
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The helios isn't no But the Hyperios is. (same model just making a point :P) it costs 280 points and is pretty useful with the new flyer and flying MC rules. It has a 6 man transport capacity and Machine Spirit makes it beneficial to use. Shoot the Missile at a flyer and blast the lascannons at the big walker marching to kick you in the face.
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I was considering the Helios/Hyperios. I figure if I make the terminus ultra and magnetize the extra set of laz cannons I can just stick the WW missiles on top and have an easy conversion. : ) But a demolisher cannon on a LR is just so mean... flamers should be upgradeable though (useless on the move)
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The terminus can be really useful, it is also however a risky choice seeing as it can blow itself up. (haven't checked the update though so not 100% on this) it is useful for tearing down the big MC from Tyranid or daemon players. It's also obviously a fantastic anti-vehicle option, however both these factors aside it's a massive point sink for something that can't carry anything. you'd probably be better off taking the "Godhammer" and sticking a squad inside for protection of things getting close.
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Would you guys consider it modeling for advantage if I did the 3 laz cannons per sponson conversion? It seems a lot more realistic and functional to me, but I wouldn't want to get called out for modelling for advantage, I just hate the dual sponson per side option.. it looks like you'd never get to aim all the guns at a single target, heck you'd be lucky to get 3 it looks like. Other option is to extend the back sponsons slightly to give a straight forward line of fire for those, but same problem about MFA
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Still very tempted to build that variant, mainly because of the ability to keep up with fast vindies and shoot the demolisher as well, thank you PoTMS. But the flamers will rarely see use unless you stay stationary and not many people will be walking into those... and even then you can only roast one side usually like the redeemer... But it looks so damn cool lol and fits my play style of vanguard overload.
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Still very tempted to build that variant, mainly because of the ability to keep up with fast vindies and shoot the demolisher as well, thank you PoTMS. But the flamers will rarely see use unless you stay stationary and not many people will be walking into those... and even then you can only roast one side usually like the redeemer... But it looks so damn cool lol and fits my play style of vanguard overload.

The Ares is a great lead tank to use. I would run a double LR( one LRC with 6 man DC, and one LRR with 10 man assault squad) list with one Ares in the center and would steam line down the table. Any thing that came with in the 24 inches was doomed. It was a expensive list but well worth the worried look on my buddies face when I showed him what he was playing against.
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