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C:CSM Battle Reports


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I've made it my New Year's resolution to post some battle reports for the community to possibly find useful. Hopefully, I'll be able to get every battle I fight in this year posted, so long as intrest keeps up. I've also considered doing a "you choose, I use" segment for a few weeks as well, so people can theorycraft an army that I end up having to field. We play mostly for fun at my meta, so these may not be great for competative players. Also, as a note to the Mods, I know there is a section that is set up for battle reports, but as this one is directly related to chaos exclusively, I considered it a toss up as to where I might place it.


This was the army I used.


1497 points

Warpsmith: no upgrade

Lord: Mark of Nurgle, Bike, Black Mace


10 Marines: 2 plasma guns, rhino, havoc launcher

10 marines: 2 melta guns, replace boltgun with ccw, votlw, power axe, rhino, havoc launcher


Hellbrute: heavy flamer

Hellbrute: heavy flamer


Bikers: Mark of Nurgle, Power sword


Predator: tri-las

Forgefiend: add ecto head

Vindicator: no upgrade


Today my opponent was Tau, and I can save a lot of reading to sum it up as a complete sweep for chaos, but never the less, his army was as follows (roughly)


2 hammerheads with railguns and smart missiles

3 broadsides with railguns

HQ was a battlesuit that died too fast to remember the stats on

3 man stealth squad with fusion blaster

2 flier drones

4 9-man squads of fire warriors with bonding knives and marker lights


We rolled Heavy Guns- 4 objectives, Hammer and Anvil, and I go first. A friend placed terrain and objectives for us. Here is the deployment (objectives in red) and how the movement pretty much went.


Turn 1 was night fighting and the objective next to my predator turned out to be a skyfire nexus (lucky me). I basically advanced foreward with his heavy weapons too far back to be effective turn one, and my right flank focused on the stealth suits that were on top of the round buildings. This got me first blood. The right flank fired at the warriors and only killed 3. His turn, he markerlighted and destroyed the vindicator with broadsides.


Turn 2 my tri-las predator shined brightly by killing all 3 broadsides, which was all for kills I got. He retaliated with marker lights and railguns to the forgefiend, which prompty exploded. His 1 remora drone came on in the bottom of turn 2, but did nothing impressive. Up until now, the troops had been kept inside the rhinos to render the warriors more or less useless, but as my bikers were about to round the large building, I was about to provide targets like it or not. I turbo boosted as they went into the open to try to minimalize losses.


In turn 3, the tri-las predator made use of the skyfire nexus and the remora drone went away. A melta shot from one of my brutes insta killed his HQ (slay the warlord), and my rhinos stayed manned but stationary shooting special weapons from fire points along with havoc launchers and pintle bolters. He shot out 2 of my bikers, but thanks to "look out sir" nothing important was in danger.


Once my biker squad made it to the fire warriors this turn, it was over. They hit the first unit and killed them right out using the champion to accept the meaningless challenge and the lord to clean out with the black mace. The rhino with melta gunners got close enough to the hammerhead to pop it, and the meltas on the hellbrutes took care of the other hammerhead as the bikers swept up another squad right away next turn. The second drone actually came in on turn 4, but was helpless against the skyfire predator.


Overall, it was a total victory, but I did get some lucky 1s from railguns against the hellbrutes, who both were completely untouched. My opponent regretted deploying so far foreward in the beginning, and I agreed that was probably the biggest factor for an easy win. Also, he used the fire warriors to markerlight my tanks rather than to try to glance the rhinos out, which would have probably made more sense. As expected, my tanks didn't all make their points back vs the railguns.

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