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3000 pt World Eaters Speartip


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Hey, with your new list I would recommend getting only 1 paragon blade and either digi lasers or a lightning claw instead. It's cheaper point wise and still gives you an extra attack, or in the case of the the LC you can get rerolls to wound if you choose to use it instead and still will slice thru MEQs.

I like both those ideas, but for this list and fluff I plan on only targeting infantry.  I have the modility to pick where I will slam the line. The Praetor will be with a Rampager sqd, so will have no problems if a vehicle gets in the way.  The Destoyers can pull out of a combat and help with armored targets. I am hoping by turn two all my units are in HtH.


I will have parts left over and will make some alternate HQs, additional SGTs so I can break the assaults down to 10 man squads, and other loadouts for key models so I can play with points more. 

  • 3 weeks later...

It is a very scary list.  It is a one trick pony, but is hard to defend against without tailoring a list to fight it.



So I played a few more test games with a smaller force.  More to get a feel of each unit.  The game was all three HQs, an assault squad, destroyer squad, and a Ravenger Squad.  I played against a 10 man heavy support (ACs), 10 man termies, 2x 20 man tac squads, and a praetor. 


The assault squad (with Apoth) went straight to a tac gun line.  With the Feel No Pain rolls they made it with only a 5 man loss and wreaked shop.


The Ravengers (w/ Praetor) tried their hand at the termies and the Praetor.  I was surprised that they help their own.  I was able to do good damage to the Praetor because I could choose which Ravenger to accept the challenge.  He died, but was able to go at the same time as the Praetor to tick off some wounds.  While my Praetor was able to drop 3 termies.  The rest of the squad dropped another 2 termies. 3 turns later, his Praetor and 1 termie lived as my one Ravenger ran.


The destroyers (w/ MoS)...they scare me.  They (unplanned) killed the entire 20 man Tac squad in one turn, leaving them out in the open for the ACs.  The 2 rad missiles did a good amount of damage, the Phox grenade did even more, while the 14 pistol shot finished them off.  BS 5 Destroyers cannot be ignored. 


In the end I learned a good amount about the units.  With the game about a month away this will help.  50 more models left to paint...

I agree about the MoS. I think he might be the best force multiplier in the book. BS 5 Fury of the Legion is darn good, as are BS 5 Medusas. I've even used him to make a Contemptor BS 6. Dual Kheres Contemptor at BS 6 is just dirty.

I didn't think the MoS could boost anyone over BS 5? Or else I would chuck him with some destroyers and a moritat who has BS 6 plasma pistols!!!


About the MoS's d3 barrage...can you target more than one unit with the blasts if you get multiple barrages from the d3? Or is it just a rain of hell on one unit?

Cognis-signum (from MoS) can boost anyone (except IC and Super Heavies) within 6" if the MoS doesn't shoot.  Can't do the Moritat, but could boost the Destroyers.


I assume the MoS can only target one unit, although he might end up hitting more than one with scatter.

The MoS or the Medicae are close for impact.  The 20 man assault squad survived a Fury salvo with only 5 losses.  My goal was to put these units in the worst situation I could and see the results.  My biggest fear was that Fury attack from the Tac squad, after we re-roll that turn to get a better feel and the most I lost were 10 in one salvo.  Feel No Pain and 3+ saves on 20 dudes is nice. 


In all, the list is not over powered but cannot be ignored which is my goal...wreak shop and pull enemy units off other parts of the line. 


The MoS strike is a d3 Ord barrage (AP3 large marker) , so you flip the marker. It is a good way to pop a hole in a Tac line. The only down side is that he cannot move and it is his shooting for the turn.  Limited use in a jump army.  To use it in the test game I had to leave him in cover to drop the marker. He then caught up to him squad the next turn.  My plan for it looks to be to use it early so the MoS can get back to a unit.  In a game where I use arty, he can be the spotter and get rounds in danger-close.

I seems to be at a crossroads, I have 50 models to paint in less then 30 days.  While possible, this will be rough so I am looking at dropping an assault squad and replacing the 400ish points.


The options that come to mind are a jet bike sqdn, a baslisks or medusa sqdn, or add some shine to the remaining units.  The first two are not very fluffy and the last I might not be able to spend 400 points on upgrades.


Any thoughts?

Oooo, I like that fluff better! It's more...fluffy?


450 is a little too much, my Assault sqds are about 405 each (about 425 for the destroyers, and 445 fro the Ravengers). There is not much else in shine to remove from the list.  I didn't want to put too many points in a single unit when they are all pretty much suicide sqds.  Down side with the arty option is I have to drop the "Angels of Wraith", which may not be a massive loss.



@depthcharge: I was looking at the siege breaker, but would have to drop the MoS (and I really like the MoS).  That does bring into mind another list with both a MoS and Siege breaker!  A few gunline sqds, 2-3 big guns squadrons and some quick units.  Crap...more models to buy...



Side note: Ravenger models are painted and pics are up in the WIP thread.  I will remember to bring my good camera home from work so I can get some better one up.

What about two Basilisks and a Siege Breaker?  Two Bassies with Jump Pack Siege Breaker with Phosphex Bomb is 405.  SB also comes with a Nuncio-Vox, so he'll be a good backup to the MoS for getting LOS for the Basilisks.

This.  I like this.  I want more of it.


That would give me two Phox Bombs in the Destoyer sqd.  Replace the one time Orb Strike with two medusa shells (with Phox) a turn.  [Talk about opening a hole in a line.]  All I lose is the BS5 upgrade, which could be a good thing.  

Maybe paint the front of your legionaries with a little scorched black as if they are charging into danger close arty from phospex.


If you roll on the warlord table for the trait world burner...hooo boy. All those templates with shred....yummy



I have already tested out ideas for the front of the destroyers to give them that charred look.


I was thinking about the warlord trait, the best part is the Praetor gives you two rolls on the warlord trait table and pick the best.  There is a good chance of getting world burner at least once in the 5 games. 


I shall place the FW order tomorrow and get a hold of some medusas to paint up...

I shall place the FW order tomorrow and get a hold of some medusas to paint up...


You might be interested in a pretty simple Medusa conversion.  Although I really recommend Basilisks for Apocalypse games.  36" range of the Medusa means that it gets shot at a lot more.  240" Basilisk range means that it will be shooting all game long from a safe, secure place.

Yea, I don't have IG tanks.  So I have to buy either.  If I was painting them up as WE, I would spring for the FW Armored ones but the normal tanks will work.  Now, anyone know what the Isstavaan II PDF looked like?


I am torn between the two.  Short range with crawling fire or long range with STR9...tough call.  

You can bug just the gun shield, but it won't be the fully-armored Armageddon Pattern.




I love the FW stuff, but for me it was a tough 50% mark-up for just a resin armored case.  Plus the Basilisk was something I could buy from my FLGS.  I never had any IG stuff before either, funny how FW figured out how to get us to buy more stuff. :)


Instead of PDF, how about painted Mechanicum?  They have artillery in their list at the back of Betrayal.

AdMech would be great.  And afterwards I could sell them off to some AdMech fanboys, thus making my money back plus.


I forgot FW had the shield and that medusas are not a GW kit.  I'm still torn, range or crawling fire....


At least FW has their marketing down, GW seems to hope the plasti-crack addiction will keep people coming.

  • 1 month later...

I'm starting to look at options to make this a well rounded list. 


My plan is to drop 2 Assault squads and maybe the Master of Signal or Medicae.  I will replace one with a 15-20 man tac squad (working on load-out now).  I will also add a ally Sons of Horus Tac squad with Tac support or Hy support back up.  The HQ would be Loken or a Medicae for the Tac squad.


A little playing with points and it can still be around 3000.




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