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New FAQs!


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So GW released new FAQs, and there are some goodies for Chaos...


Khârn doesn't hit his buddies with his first 1s, heldrake flamer is TURRET MOUNTED, Noise Marines got double buffed(their champ found his ccw and they can now take 2 blast masters at 10 models) and Abbaddon can finally join whatever unit he likes...


...but one thing i really like is this little thing from the BRB FAQ:


Q: If a model with Defensive Grenades is part of or joins a unit

who do not have Defensive Grenades, for example a Grey Knight

Grand Master with blind grenades, does the unit they join benefit

from the effects of their Defensive Grenades? (p62)

A: Yes.


Guess what codex can give their MoN characters(even in termie armour) Blight Grenades? ;)

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Some nice clarifications and changes.


The only thing bothering me is their ruling on Demon Princes and marks, as I think it's an indication of their answer regarding the speacial wargear and artifacts that characters will lose if hey become Demon princes (should they ever feel the need to answer that one at all...). I still don't think this should be a downgrade to tooled-up characters...

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Helldrake retardedly good now. Like really, that thing singlehandily will keep the codex viable as long as fliers are viable lol.


And I *love* the noise Marine change. Opens up a new build hehe.

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Don't forget that Plague Marine Aspiring Champion plague knives can now be exchanged like a CCW when buying upgrades.


But yeah, the Heldrake just moved up on my shopping list!


And come oooon new Noise Marine sculpts!

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I love the Noise Marine changes, makes shooty MSU much more viable. Also, dropping two Blastmasters in a 10 man squad with upgrades gives you quite a firebase, at a cost.


The new sergeant wording is nice too, actually getting the extra attack for two close combat weapons without having to take a plasma pistol is nice.

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yay for NM indeed. still not sure this unit is 30pts better than DA tacs with a PC...ignores cover, needs slaanesh lord hmmm...

Ignores cover. It's really huge, like really. And it should be viewed in combination with the helldrake: Helldrakes burn 24/7 now lol.


Poor Dark Angels players. Few days after their codex a FAQ for a previous codex invalidates half of their builds.


Just for the record, I believe this officially makes Chaos a top army.

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Zhukov, how many builds would you say we had now if the categories were All-comers,

Assuming you mean no allies: 2, with variations, not even set in stone builds.

Tailored, Semi-viable-but-better-pray-it's-a-casual-game?

Unlimited msn-wink.gif

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The changes to the helldrake were massive IMO. Before I used to auto include 1 but now with a 360 degree torrent flamer, Im seriously thinking about 2. With this change you could, if you really needed to, vector strike and flame the same unit. Vector strike a rhino or chimera to wreck it, then flame the guys that pop out.
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Well, the dragon is how I played it anyway. sonic blasters still suck. slaanesh lords are worse than nurgle (T5 no ID) or khorne (axe) and offer only 1x outflank (steed). lucius isn't good either. But I'm eager to see what you or jeske come up with :)
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Sonic blasters don't suck. They sucked because Blastmasters couldn't be taken in enough numbers. You can do ridiculous censored.gif like this now (just a first draft):

Slaanesh Lord; bike, brand, claw, mb, gift 160

Helldrake 170

Helldrake 170

10 Noise Marines; 5 Sonic Blasters, mb, siren 215

10 Noise Marines; 5 Sonic Blasters, mb, siren 215

10 Noise Marines; 5 Sonic Blasters, mb, siren 215

5 Noise Marines; Blastmaster 125

5 Noise Marines; Blastmaster 125

5 Noise Marines; Blastmaster 125

Obliterator; MoN 76

Obliterator; MoN 76

Obliterator; MoN 76

Total: 1750

To be clear: Sonic blasters 'sucked' because other marines did it better, but that's irrelevant now that you can completely destroy other marines on foot. I don't care if 5 DA tacticals have a plasmacannon, they don't have helldrakes and blastmasters killing my Noise Marines.

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those are some seriouse changes , very non GW style . Last time I have seen something like this was when DE were re errated in a WD . I dont envy new guys starting chaos and buying the hardcover codex.


As Z said the NM changes are very good. the turret rule for the chicken is stupid good.

I dont like what they did with abadon , because it is again allowing something a unit shouldnt be able to do ruleswise.


I wonder how good chaos NM were selling ?

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Sonic blasters don't suck.


not convinced yet. your list seems okay (needs more AT than only 3 oblits), but the NM units with sirens should be advancing. while doing so, their uber-expensive sonic blasters will be just like bolters - yeah, they ignore cover, but the salvo rules make then not fire at >12" at all, while still prohibiting charges. they seem to confict with the champion's siren, which is geared for assault.


another question is whether the FnP icon is viable and in what unit configurations (10+? at all?)


also: no bike retinue for your lord ;D

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Time to buy another chicken me thinks, I love making SW's foot armies cry.

This might be a slight tangent but as a "counts as" for Iron Warriors would anyone take issue with using Volkite Calivers or Chargers as Sonic Blasters? I would figure that Calivers would be too small for Blastmasters? what's peoples thoughts?


More on topic; I think Sonic marines are vastly more viable. a kitted squad with SB and BM is 261, 60 odd points more than a basic double plas CSM squad, but I know which has more bang bor it's buck. I'm guessing your MSU BM squads would be objective camping? I'm not are sure about the 10 man squads would it be viable to take combat weapons instead? and be a fearless I5 DB flaming charg unit?

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