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New FAQs!


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If you want to house rule it then by all means thats up to you and your local gaming group. However, with that being said, it's not rules as written. Heres a link to another discussion if youre interested and not like Jacinda who just rants about different colored dice without any kind of facts lol



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So GW released new FAQs, and there are some goodies for Chaos...

Khârn doesn't hit his buddies with his first 1s, heldrake flamer is TURRET MOUNTED, Noise Marines got double buffed(their champ found his ccw and they can now take 2 blast masters at 10 models) and Abbaddon can finally join whatever unit he likes...

...but one thing i really like is this little thing from the BRB FAQ:

Q: If a model with Defensive Grenades is part of or joins a unit

who do not have Defensive Grenades, for example a Grey Knight

Grand Master with blind grenades, does the unit they join benefit

from the effects of their Defensive Grenades? (p62)

A: Yes.

Guess what codex can give their MoN characters(even in termie armour) Blight Grenades? msn-wink.gif

Now this may just be me... But doesn't that entail that you can do the same thing with offensive grenades? So wouldn't that persay mean that by attaching a character to.... say Possessed or Warp Talons, that squad will gain the effects of Frag Grenades? whistling.gif

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So GW released new FAQs, and there are some goodies for Chaos...

Khârn doesn't hit his buddies with his first 1s, heldrake flamer is TURRET MOUNTED, Noise Marines got double buffed(their champ found his ccw and they can now take 2 blast masters at 10 models) and Abbaddon can finally join whatever unit he likes...

...but one thing i really like is this little thing from the BRB FAQ:

Q: If a model with Defensive Grenades is part of or joins a unit

who do not have Defensive Grenades, for example a Grey Knight

Grand Master with blind grenades, does the unit they join benefit

from the effects of their Defensive Grenades? (p62)

A: Yes.

Guess what codex can give their MoN characters(even in termie armour) Blight Grenades? msn-wink.gif

Now this may just be me... But doesn't that entail that you can do the same thing with offensive grenades? So wouldn't that persay mean that by attaching a character to.... say Possessed or Warp Talons, that squad will gain the effects of Frag Grenades? whistling.gif

Oh wow, and Terminator Armor grants deep strike, so you could (in theory) Put a MoN Terminator Lord with Blight Grenades in a unit of Warp Talons, deep strike all of that, try for the Blind, gain the possible benefit of defensive grenades (depending on how close you are) vs. any close unit shooting at the Lord+Talons, and then move and charge next turn. All at the cost of a bunch of points, and the ability for the unit to perform a sweeping advance.

I think the points cost might make this not work at low level games, but it could be fun(ny) in a 2000+ game.

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Now this may just be me... But doesn't that entail that you can do the same thing with offensive grenades? So wouldn't that persay mean that by attaching a character to.... say Possessed or Warp Talons, that squad will gain the effects of Frag Grenades? whistling.gif

That is typically how we play anyway, but according to RAW, defensive grenades are by unit and assault grenades are by model.

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So GW released new FAQs, and there are some goodies for Chaos...

Khârn doesn't hit his buddies with his first 1s, heldrake flamer is TURRET MOUNTED, Noise Marines got double buffed(their champ found his ccw and they can now take 2 blast masters at 10 models) and Abbaddon can finally join whatever unit he likes...

...but one thing i really like is this little thing from the BRB FAQ:

Q: If a model with Defensive Grenades is part of or joins a unit

who do not have Defensive Grenades, for example a Grey Knight

Grand Master with blind grenades, does the unit they join benefit

from the effects of their Defensive Grenades? (p62)

A: Yes.

Guess what codex can give their MoN characters(even in termie armour) Blight Grenades? msn-wink.gif

Now this may just be me... But doesn't that entail that you can do the same thing with offensive grenades? So wouldn't that persay mean that by attaching a character to.... say Possessed or Warp Talons, that squad will gain the effects of Frag Grenades? whistling.gif

Oh wow, and Terminator Armor grants deep strike, so you could (in theory) Put a MoN Terminator Lord with Blight Grenades in a unit of Warp Talons, deep strike all of that, try for the Blind, gain the possible benefit of defensive grenades (depending on how close you are) vs. any close unit shooting at the Lord+Talons, and then move and charge next turn. All at the cost of a bunch of points, and the ability for the unit to perform a sweeping advance.

I think the points cost might make this not work at low level games, but it could be fun(ny) in a 2000+ game.

I was thinking more along the lines of attaching Kharne to a Possessed Squad or A Jump Pack Chaos Lord to a Warp Talon squad but that works too ^^;

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Now this may just be me... But doesn't that entail that you can do the same thing with offensive grenades? So wouldn't that persay mean that by attaching a character to.... say Possessed or Warp Talons, that squad will gain the effects of Frag Grenades? whistling.gif

That is typically how we play anyway, but according to RAW, defensive grenades are by unit and assault grenades are by model.

Can you please tell me where it says that? I would like to look that up myself.

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So GW released new FAQs, and there are some goodies for Chaos...

Khârn doesn't hit his buddies with his first 1s, heldrake flamer is TURRET MOUNTED, Noise Marines got double buffed(their champ found his ccw and they can now take 2 blast masters at 10 models) and Abbaddon can finally join whatever unit he likes...

...but one thing i really like is this little thing from the BRB FAQ:

Q: If a model with Defensive Grenades is part of or joins a unit

who do not have Defensive Grenades, for example a Grey Knight

Grand Master with blind grenades, does the unit they join benefit

from the effects of their Defensive Grenades? (p62)

A: Yes.

Guess what codex can give their MoN characters(even in termie armour) Blight Grenades? msn-wink.gif

Now this may just be me... But doesn't that entail that you can do the same thing with offensive grenades? So wouldn't that persay mean that by attaching a character to.... say Possessed or Warp Talons, that squad will gain the effects of Frag Grenades? whistling.gif

Oh wow, and Terminator Armor grants deep strike, so you could (in theory) Put a MoN Terminator Lord with Blight Grenades in a unit of Warp Talons, deep strike all of that, try for the Blind, gain the possible benefit of defensive grenades (depending on how close you are) vs. any close unit shooting at the Lord+Talons, and then move and charge next turn. All at the cost of a bunch of points, and the ability for the unit to perform a sweeping advance.

I think the points cost might make this not work at low level games, but it could be fun(ny) in a 2000+ game.

I was thinking more along the lines of attaching Kharne to a Possessed Squad or A Jump Pack Chaos Lord to a Warp Talon squad but that works too ^^;

Nice catch!

It is logical what you state. I wonder if this will be mentioned in a future FAQ. It would singlehandedly save the horrid Warp talons and possessed, and as such do a lot for our codex.

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Now this may just be me... But doesn't that entail that you can do the same thing with offensive grenades? So wouldn't that persay mean that by attaching a character to.... say Possessed or Warp Talons, that squad will gain the effects of Frag Grenades? whistling.gif

That is typically how we play anyway, but according to RAW, defensive grenades are by unit and assault grenades are by model.

Can you please tell me where it says that? I would like to look that up myself.

Have you checked Assault Grenades on page 61?

"Models equipped with assault grenades dont' suffer the penalty..."

That means the model has to be equipped with the grenade to not suffer the penalty.

The wording for Defensive Grenades is entirely different...

"Models charging units equipped with defensive grenades do not gain bonus Attacks..."

This is saying if you charge a unit equipped with defensive grenades. All the FAQ does is clarify that only one model in the unit need be equipped with them.

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Now this may just be me... But doesn't that entail that you can do the same thing with offensive grenades? So wouldn't that persay mean that by attaching a character to.... say Possessed or Warp Talons, that squad will gain the effects of Frag Grenades? whistling.gif

That is typically how we play anyway, but according to RAW, defensive grenades are by unit and assault grenades are by model.

Can you please tell me where it says that? I would like to look that up myself.

Have you checked Assault Grenades on page 61?

"Models equipped with assault grenades dont' suffer the penalty..."

That means the model has to be equipped with the grenade to not suffer the penalty.

The wording for Defensive Grenades is entirely different...

"Models charging units equipped with defensive grenades do not gain bonus Attacks..."

This is saying if you charge a unit equipped with defensive grenades. All the FAQ does is clarify that only one model in the unit need be equipped with them.

Ah, thank you for that clarity. I was simply asking where it was, I wasn't saying you were wrong.

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I realize Seahawk. I'm asking why he thinks they shouldn't have changed it.


because this is another case of a unit which works different then what the rule it has says. It makes rules interpretation harder [offten ending with "god knows what GW was thinking writing this"]. Again I dont care about abadon stats , they could have given him pure stat boosts too do the same , but not make him the one dude in a codex that runs the way he shouldnt be able to .

Remember auras in 5th ? since time imemorable auras never targeted , but suddenly GW decided that auras do target ,only if you are a nid of course. then they changed it back again so some of their auras targeted and some didnt . it is sloppy rules writing I hate that.

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Except that all the RAW said was "Any model with a Mark cannot join a squad with a different Mark." The debate was whether "a Mark" meant singular or also included plural. As the Mark of Chaos Ascendant is "All Four Marks," all GW said is "Any model that has more than one Mark can join any unit with the same Mark. Any model that only has one Mark cannot join a unit with a different Mark." Since Abaddon is the only model with "more than one Mark," it is clarified that he was always able to do it and that "a" in the original context was the singular form, not the singular and plural.
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realy you realy want to do it after the faq? the rule says a model with a mark different then the one the unit has cant join it and abadon had 3 of those . does matter if you check if he has 1 different [he has that] or more then 1 different[he has that too] , unless the unit had no marks of course.


oddly enough the change to NM and turret bales will probably make us see more terminator armored WGs/rune armor/terminator armored HQs for SW , which in the end will bite chaos in our ass on end tables.


I wonder if GW is going to make more stuff like this , rewriting already existing dexs . the champ thing could be called a writing error , but not turret or blast masters not realy.

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realy you realy want to do it after the faq? the rule says a model with a mark different then the one the unit has cant join it and abadon had 3 of those . does matter if you check if he has 1 different [he has that] or more then 1 different[he has that too] , unless the unit had no marks of course.


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Youre not even making any sense Jacinda. Maybe calm down and go take a walk lol.



Let me make it simple for you then.


What was the answer in the FAQ?


Looks like you're trying to bend the rule into something it's not, all you're doing is sticking your fingers in your ears and saying "Nuh uh!! Is not!!" I see no proof or examples or logical arguments from you.

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So to be clear, the Heldrake nows spurts his flames in a 360 degrees arc?!..., oh man my SM opponents allready hated that thing, they are gonna hate me...


Someone at our club, pointed out that a 12 radius flamer template is ridiculous, and when i realised that you don't only shoot in a 12" radius, but in a 20" radius!!!( 12 for the torrent rule and 8,5 inches for the template length), but when i'm gonna tell them, that i can do that in a 360 arc...



I wonder if GW is going to make more stuff like this , rewriting already existing dexs . the champ thing could be called a writing error , but not turret or blast masters not realy.


I hope they sometimes do, then maybe we will have more weapons options for our Land raiders, Twin Hades cannons sponsons and Twin Balflamer turret anyone?...

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Actually, if GW was smart, they could make the changes, and then try to upsell combinations of the Loyalist Land Raider sprues with the necessary weapons and Chaos Tank Sprues at an actual discounted price and they could actually save some money and make a little profit by simply selling what they already have at a higher rate.
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Only if the pieces fit and worked, and I still don't see them pushing awkward conversions in place of actual re-packaged models, not after the whole chapterhouse thing. No, we'll get it as an option when they have a model available specifically for that option to sell to us, and not before.
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So to be clear, the Heldrake nows spurts his flames in a 360 degrees arc?!..., oh man my SM opponents allready hated that thing, they are gonna hate me...


Someone at our club, pointed out that a 12 radius flamer template is ridiculous, and when i realised that you don't only shoot in a 12" radius, but in a 20" radius!!!( 12 for the torrent rule and 8,5 inches for the template length), but when i'm gonna tell them, that i can do that in a 360 arc...

Yeah and you meassure from the base, the base is pretty big ;)

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