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So glad you brought it up.

What is the logical transposition of the FAQ and the Answer given?

Who would have thought that we'll start holy war on this quite simple subject?


First, either you do not understand the question or trying to read it in your own manner. If you'll shorten the question you'll get:

If there are no weapons in my unit to reach some of target's unit models, can I allocate wound pool onto them?

Answer is no you cannot.


Logically, having any weapon with longer range makes all enemy models in range suffer.

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So to be clear, the Heldrake nows spurts his flames in a 360 degrees arc?!..., oh man my SM opponents allready hated that thing, they are gonna hate me...

Someone at our club, pointed out that a 12 radius flamer template is ridiculous, and when i realised that you don't only shoot in a 12" radius, but in a 20" radius!!!( 12 for the torrent rule and 8,5 inches for the template length), but when i'm gonna tell them, that i can do that in a 360 arc...

Yeah and you meassure from the base, the base is pretty big msn-wink.gif

Don't vehicles check LOS and range from the weapon barrel instead of the base?

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Q: When making a Shooting attack against a unit, can Wounds

from the Wound Pool be allocated to models that were not within

range any of the shooting models when To Hit rolls were made (i.e.

half the targeted model are in the shooting models’ range, and half

are not)? (p15)

A: No.


I interpreted it as wound pools not being able to be allocated to any target models not within range of any model firing (the specified weapon that constitutes the wound pool).


so if you have bolters and a ML, better allocate the bolter wounds first, since the ML will be in range even after the losses, while maybe stealing one target from the bolters when being resolved first. the ML woudn't magically give the bolters more range, because it constitutes another wound pool entirely.

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So to be clear, the Heldrake nows spurts his flames in a 360 degrees arc?!..., oh man my SM opponents allready hated that thing, they are gonna hate me...

Someone at our club, pointed out that a 12 radius flamer template is ridiculous, and when i realised that you don't only shoot in a 12" radius, but in a 20" radius!!!( 12 for the torrent rule and 8,5 inches for the template length), but when i'm gonna tell them, that i can do that in a 360 arc...

Yeah and you meassure from the base, the base is pretty big msn-wink.gif

Don't vehicles check LOS and range from the weapon barrel instead of the base?

The FAQ entry is:

"Q: How do I determine the Arc of Sight for a Heldrake’s ranged

weapon? (p52)

A: Treat the Heldrake’s ranged weapon as a Turret Mounted

Weapon, measuring all ranges from the edge of the Heldrake’s

base nearest to the target unit."

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According to rulebook, page 15, there is only one pool, and some groups in that pool.


ah, true, thank you! so the bolters could indeed hit targets out of (their) range als long as those are within range of any firing models in the wound POOL (the ML guy)? seems not as intended...

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According to rulebook, page 15, there is only one pool, and some groups in that pool.


ah, true, thank you! so the bolters could indeed hit targets out of (their) range als long as those are within range of any firing models in the wound POOL (the ML guy)? seems not as intended...


Propably not intended but that's how it works now.

One higher range gun enables your bolter shots to kill people farther than 24" away. (As long as there is at least 1 target the bolters can kill in the first place).

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According to rulebook, page 15, there is only one pool, and some groups in that pool.


ah, true, thank you! so the bolters could indeed hit targets out of (their) range als long as those are within range of any firing models in the wound POOL (the ML guy)? seems not as intended...


Propably not intended but that's how it works now.

One higher range gun enables your bolter shots to kill people farther than 24" away. (As long as there is at least 1 target the bolters can kill in the first place).


If this in indeed RAW and "true", then this just broke the game to pieces and what kind of :cussing nonsense is this then when a krak missile can then be a "tracer" bullet for the vastly outranged bolters, making H weapons in squads into some sort of imbecile "rangefinders".


As for now, I find it immensly hard to believe that this is RAW, as this then should mean that you can camp with a tactical squad carrying one lascannon in your rear DZ and never ever move, and then have de facto lascannon range on your bolters? Please tell me I misunderstood here... (goes to download the FAQ)


Edit: Ah, as long as at least one bolter was already in range, hmm. Thats fortunatly less broken and less idiotic, but I for one still don`t like it. But it`s not the bizarre imbecile issue I immediatly read it as.

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As for now, I find it immensly hard to believe that this is RAW, as this then should mean that you can camp with a tactical squad carrying one lascannon in your rear DZ and never ever move, and then have de facto lascannon range on your bolters? Please tell me I misunderstood here... (goes to download the FAQ)

It isn't as bad as all that. You still need at least one bolter in range. Stupid rule, but who cares? 6th is full of 'em. rolleyes.gif

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As for now, I find it immensly hard to believe that this is RAW, as this then should mean that you can camp with a tactical squad carrying one lascannon in your rear DZ and never ever move, and then have de facto lascannon range on your bolters? Please tell me I misunderstood here... (goes to download the FAQ)

It isn't as bad as all that. You still need at least one bolter in range. Stupid rule, but who care? 6th is full of 'em. rolleyes.gif

Lol, yeah. Forgot to read a very important paranthesis :P

It`s not that bad then, though I dont really understand why this was changed in the first place. Meh, anyway it seems like a relativly minor issue now.

One aspect of the chaos faq that I found interesting, albeit hardly very powerful or maybe even very good, is the clarification on that Scroll which was previously pretty much impossible to use. However, I wonder if it might actually, in some builds, be worthwhile buying it for a Tzeentchian lord with a +3 Invul. Still seems rather expensive though, but maybe the item is actually "playable" now.

Anyone else have some thoughts on the semi viabillity (doubt it can ever be deemed a "good" choice, but seems at first FAQ glance to open up some Lord posibillities indeed) of the Magnusian Scroll?

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One aspect of the chaos faq that I found interesting, albeit hardly very powerful or maybe even very good, is the clarification on that Scroll which was previously pretty much impossible to use. However, I wonder if it might actually, in some builds, be worthwhile buying it for a Tzeentchian lord with a +3 Invul. Still seems rather expensive though, but maybe the item is actually "playable" now.

Anyone else have some thoughts on the semi viabillity (doubt it can ever be deemed a "good" choice, but seems at first FAQ glance to open up some Lord posibillities indeed) of the Magnusian Scroll?


its more of a gadget really, but its not really worthless, i'd say its 65% interessting, wich is still good.

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As for now, I find it immensly hard to believe that this is RAW, as this then should mean that you can camp with a tactical squad carrying one lascannon in your rear DZ and never ever move, and then have de facto lascannon range on your bolters? Please tell me I misunderstood here... (goes to download the FAQ)

It isn't as bad as all that. You still need at least one bolter in range. Stupid rule, but who cares? 6th is full of 'em. rolleyes.gif

This really isn't that bad at all. I mean before the FAQ bolters could kill models outside of their range all the time.

Now they can only do it if there is a longer range weapon.

And I'm not even sure that this is unintended anymore. Because checking the range from each model to see what it can reach and then rolling the shots in that order would be a lot of work and not very fun.

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One thing I didn't see in this FAQ that I was hoping I would was a fix to Huron's Psyker Mastery lvl 1 + random roll problem. As it stands right now by RAW, unless I've missed it in some footnote someplace, if he rolls a psychic power he can't actually cast (ie Warp Charge 2) and can't just change over to the Primaris power, he's stuck for a turn with a power he can't use. Would have been nice to just mention that he re-rolls until he gets one he can cast.
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It's only Molten Beam that is lvl2 though(1 in 18 chance), and besides, why don't he get a re-roll? That's a part of 'generating psychic powers' that the text says you must do as if he were a lvl 1 psyker.
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It's only Molten Beam that is lvl2 though(1 in 18 chance), and besides, why don't he get a re-roll? That's a part of 'generating psychic powers' that the text says you must do as if he were a lvl 1 psyker.

Yeah, but I roll Molten Beam a lot. wallbash.gif

And you're right, pg 142 of the DV book says how to handle that. Now I have something to cite with. I can't believe I missed that whole section, I was looking only at pg 66-67. wallbash.gifwallbash.gifwallbash.gif

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As for now, I find it immensly hard to believe that this is RAW, as this then should mean that you can camp with a tactical squad carrying one lascannon in your rear DZ and never ever move, and then have de facto lascannon range on your bolters? Please tell me I misunderstood here... (goes to download the FAQ)

It isn't as bad as all that. You still need at least one bolter in range. Stupid rule, but who cares? 6th is full of 'em. rolleyes.gif

Remember to check ranges for all firing models. Only those that have range to at least one visible enemy model in the target unit can fire. So every bolter that wants to shoot still has to have a valid target in range. But killing the sole valid target no longer wastes the remaining shots, IF there is at least one model with a weapon with sufficient range to keep allocating wounds. Wounds in the wound pool don't belong to a specific firing model. They belong the firing unit. They can become subdivided based on some certain characteristics, but they are still a single Wound Pool (with multiple groups).

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