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Hellbrute Loadout


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My Helbrute is sporting a Reaper Autocannon and a Heavy Flamer and I'm happy with this combination so far. Though I haven't played that many games with it yet, so take this with a grain of salt.
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Multimelta doesn't have a big range and it isn't guaranteed whatsoever that he will manage to shoot it. On the other hand, a Dread with Multimelta creates a 24" area around him where vehicles won't dare to go, so in that point of view it could be worth considering...
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Helbrute isn't so hot in general. Mines toting an autocannon, but I haven't run it much yet to make any judgments, and it's magnetized, so I can ditch it later if I don't like it. I kind of favor the plasma cannon, actually, but I just don't know. Wish it could take options from the vehicle armory. Dirge Caster would really help melee builds, and a havoc launcher would do a lot for shooty ones. Also wish we had a drop pod / dread claw transport option for it. Would certainly make a huge difference, and would make the multi-melta much more enticing.


As it is... I gave mine the reaper to try and keep it cheap while still having a respectably long ranged and mildly versatile option.

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If you must use a Helbrute, then the Reaper is the way to go, especially with a missile launcher on the other hand.


Two ranged weapons isn't really a good idea either because if he Rages and charges it's useless.


I think no matter how it's equipped, it's going to be fairly useless. At least with 2 good ranged weapons, it'll get some kills before it gets shot in the face.

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I think in casual/fun games it would have its uses to babysit havocs, forgefiends or preds. Give it a autocannon, PC or LC use it as supporting fire and the offhand powerfist to counterassault if anything gets near them. Not competitive at all but it can be fun.


Sure, but generally it's safest to assume the OP is asking the most effective (i.e. competitive) load out, not what is the most fun. If you're doing it for fun, take a Plasma Cannon because it lets you roll a scatter dice... WEEEEE!

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Alternative theory: stick hades cannons from a spare fiend kit on both arms, call it a decimator? it's kinda short for a decimator, but....


I mean, it's not like the landraider-priced deci is all that great either, but it's a fair bit of firepower out of a frequently underutilized slot. Or at least it was an underutilized slot until the blastermaster change, now I don't know....

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i just recently got hold of an old black reach dread, a buddy of mine is clearing out his marines and making room for some boyz. i painted it up in my night lords scheme and added some skulls/spikes/chains. fits my army's feel better than the helbrute as it is, well, not mutated. of course right now it's the default load, MM and PF. added a twin linked bolter cos of the storm bolter under the fist. it does alright, actually. maybe that's because i have assloads of plasma, a vindicator and a foregfiend so there are other targets. all the same, even THAT has worked for me. i would love to have a reaper, tho, give it a tad more range. i like the idea of PC or LC, maybe the autocannon on the other end, give it all range. but that fist has killed its fair share of terminators, i feel it's a good idea to keep that around. the MM is nice, but i feel like it's maybe lacking the range i could get from some other guns.

i hate to immediately write things off as "not competitive" because every meta is so different. there's a fair deal of dreads and helbrutes in mine, currently, so a nice high strength walker is good as interception/interference against others, freeing your bigger guns up to clear mobs of infantry or crack open giant tanks.

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well the way my dread (helbrute, i keep forgetting) is built currently the range isn't so much an issue because i just melta things and then charge them, so i'm fairly close most of the time anyway. it depends on how you want it built. if you want long range fire support then clearly the 2ft of multi-melta with super effectiveness within 1ft is not going to do the job. it IS however, a cheap and effective terminator/track buster.


i've faced enough different dreadnought builds to know that they can work about any way you build them. if i could change one thing about mine it would probably be to replace the bolter with a flamer, since mine tends to assault/get assaulted. i think what i'll do tho is more likely pick up some spare arms and magnetize the lot of them so i can switch out as i please.

on the other hand, i've had a hard time getting to a las/missile launcher dread's punchy bits just because it can shoot 4 feet at pretty high strength. but i just really like the power fist. str 10 ap2 at initiative in melee gives me an edge against, well, everything. it's either killing other powerfists first, or more than likely only being glanced on 6s with krak grenades. it works for me, but like i said before, so many local metas are so drastically different, and that's not even accounting for personal taste and what role you want it to fill in your army. and even then, there's people on here that will tell you anything less than av13 is stupid. for some reason.


the standard 105 (bolter included) point brute works fine for me. 


edit: grammar fail

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I like the autocannon or plaz cannon on dreads . like others hav said its not the most competitive choice (I think mb better now in this dex bc the gone krazy rules hav changed), but a great model to convert, so can add to the look of your army

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What is the general consensus on the helbrute vs. its closest FW alternatives, the Contemptor and the Decimator?  I'm not familiar with the rules for the Chaos Contemptor.  The decimator does have considerably more firepower and durability, but at fully double the cost depending on build it doesn't come cheap.  A dual butcher Decimator built to emulate a dakkafiend, but in a less valuable force org slot, costs more than a land raider, which may simply be too much to function at all.  If you're looking for some more hull points out of your elite slots, the brute might be the best way to go about it.

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The Hellbrute makes me sad. It's just 1 big missed chance. No Hades or Blastmaster, no droppod, not even dual Reaper or ML's.... Just sad.


How to equip it? Give it a weapon the rest of your list misses, simple. (Reaper when playing Oblits, TL-Lass when playing with AC Havocs basicly)

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And I'd just throw in there to stay away from the plasma cannon.  Gets Hot now costing you hull points is bad juju; the Forgefiend can get away with it because it has a save and can regrow HP.  I suppose it's a decent way to TRY to put rage markers on it. . . but that's just not a very efficient way of doing things.

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What is the general consensus on the helbrute vs. its closest FW alternatives, the Contemptor and the Decimator?  I'm not familiar with the rules for the Chaos Contemptor.  The decimator does have considerably more firepower and durability, but at fully double the cost depending on build it doesn't come cheap.  A dual butcher Decimator built to emulate a dakkafiend, but in a less valuable force org slot, costs more than a land raider, which may simply be too much to function at all.  If you're looking for some more hull points out of your elite slots, the brute might be the best way to go about it.


Generally, i think they're both too expensive.  That said, I love the Decimator model, so I try and make it work.  Giving one the Khorne upgrade with a couple claws is a real pain in the neck to fight in combat.  Other than that, I wouldn't take one with dual ranged weapons either, it's just too good in combat to pass up the opportunity (AV13 ignores Krak grenades).  A Decimator with Butcher Cannon, Siege Claw and the Nurgle upgrade is an expensive, but deadly threat that just wont die.  Just a hint, if you take a Decimator as part of an allied Daemon force, you'll be able to Deepstrike it!


For the Contemptor, it is an interesting option that they may exchange a twin-linked bolter in their close combat weapon for a Soul Burner, which is typically a full arm for the Decimator.  Dedication for Nurgle is a decent choice, as it means you'll get blown up less often from penetrating hits, but if you're armed for combat, the Dedication of Tzeentch is surprisingly effective, letting you take two AP3 flamers...  A good all-purpose build though is still just a butcher cannon and fist, like the Decimator.

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What is the general consensus on the helbrute vs. its closest FW alternatives, the Contemptor and the Decimator?  I'm not familiar with the rules for the Chaos Contemptor.  The decimator does have considerably more firepower and durability, but at fully double the cost depending on build it doesn't come cheap.  A dual butcher Decimator built to emulate a dakkafiend, but in a less valuable force org slot, costs more than a land raider, which may simply be too much to function at all.  If you're looking for some more hull points out of your elite slots, the brute might be the best way to go about it.


Generally, i think they're both too expensive.  That said, I love the Decimator model, so I try and make it work.  Giving one the Khorne upgrade with a couple claws is a real pain in the neck to fight in combat.  Other than that, I wouldn't take one with dual ranged weapons either, it's just too good in combat to pass up the opportunity (AV13 ignores Krak grenades).  A Decimator with Butcher Cannon, Siege Claw and the Nurgle upgrade is an expensive, but deadly threat that just wont die.  Just a hint, if you take a Decimator as part of an allied Daemon force, you'll be able to Deepstrike it!


For the Contemptor, it is an interesting option that they may exchange a twin-linked bolter in their close combat weapon for a Soul Burner, which is typically a full arm for the Decimator.  Dedication for Nurgle is a decent choice, as it means you'll get blown up less often from penetrating hits, but if you're armed for combat, the Dedication of Tzeentch is surprisingly effective, letting you take two AP3 flamers...  A good all-purpose build though is still just a butcher cannon and fist, like the Decimator.

Where are the rules for chaos contemptors?

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