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New FAQs


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Lots and lots of updated FAQs, it's like it's Christmas. Again.


Have at them, tear them to pieces, and remember to check them before posting rules queries! There's a page of C:DA there as well, which is encouraging that they've started addressing issues on a Codex that's only been out for 5 days.


Here's the link to the index for all of them on the GW site, I'll be updating links in the sticky at the top soon.



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There's a page of C:DA there as well, which is encouraging that they've started addressing issues on a Codex that's only been out for 5 days.

Yet at the same time it's a bit disturbing how many "errors" there were in wargear, item selection options etc.

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Rulebook FAQ:

Q: Can models from an Allied Detachment that have the ability to

repair Hull Points or Immobilised/Weapon Destroyed results from

the Vehicle Damage Table use this ability on Allied vehicles? (p112)

A: No.

Even if they are Battle Brothers? sad.png

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Rulebook FAQ:


Q: Do Transports with the Assault Vehicle special rule permit their

passengers to charge on the turn they arrive from Reserve? (p33)

A: No.


Has this neutered the Lucius Drop Pod?

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Rulebook FAQ:


Q: Do Transports with the Assault Vehicle special rule permit their

passengers to charge on the turn they arrive from Reserve? (p33)

A: No.


Has this neutered the Lucius Drop Pod?

No, because the Lucius doesn't rely on the BRB Assault Vehicle rule to allow the embarked Dread to charge - it has its own unique special rule which specifically state the Dread may assault the turn it disembarks (after passing a DT test).

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Page 43 – Special Rules, Vector Strike.

Change the second paragraph to read “When Swooping, this

model may savage its prey. At the end of the Movement Phase,

nominate one unengaged enemy unit the model has moved

over that turn. This unit may even be an enemy Flyer. That unit

takes D3+1 hits, resolved at the model’s unmodified Strength

and AP3, using Random Allocation. Against vehicles, these hits

are resolved against the target’s side armour. No cover saves are

allowed against these hits.”




Page 80 – Transports, Transports and Assaults.

Change the first sentence to read “If a Transport vehicle is

assaulted, an embarked unit can fire Overwatch at the attackers

out of its Fire Points – note that a unit may still only fire

Overwatch once in a turn, even if it is embarked on a






Q: When making Snap Shots, do weapons with a special rule or

effect that only applies on To Hit rolls of a 6 retain these abilities?

For example Necron Tesla weapons? (p13)

A: Yes


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Q: If a unit of models that are Psykers and armed with force

weapons are affected by the You! You’re a Traitor! result of the

Hallucination psychic power from the Telepathy discipline, does

this force them to spend warp charge points (if they have any

available) and activate their force weapons for the hits they inflict

upon their own unit? (Reference section).

A: Yes.




Q: Can the rider of a Chariot that is also a Skimmer make Sweep

Attacks against Zooming Flyers or Swooping Flying Monstrous

Creatures? (p82).

A: No.

Q: If a Chariot is in combat with an enemy unit, can models from

that unit direct attacks against the chariot itself? (p82)

A: Yes.

Q: If a Chariot is Wrecked or suffers an Explodes! result in close

combat, does the rider remain locked in combat with the unit they

were fighting? (p82)

A: No, they perform an Emergency Disembarkation


Q: Some units have rules that mean their selection permits other

units from that detachment to be selected as if they belonged to

different parts of their Codex army list (Heavy Support choices

chosen as Troops for example). If such a permissive unit is killed, do

these rules immediately cease to apply (e.g. units chosen as Troops

that were not Troops originally cease to count as such and so cannot

be Scoring units, or worse become illedgal units due to excess choices

from one or more sections of the army list)? (p109)

A: No.

Q: If your Warlor’s Warlord Trait confers a specific ability to a unit

or units in your army, is this ability always immediately lost when

the Warlord is killed? (p111)

A: Yes. Further, if the Warlord Trait conferred a special rule

that allows an unusual method of deployment from Reserves

(such as conferring Infiltrate to allow a unit to Outflank)

that special rule is immediately lost and the unit must deploy

from Reserves in the normal fashion.


Q: If an attack with the Rending special rule rolls a 6 for their

Armour Penetration roll against a vehicle and subsequently scores a

Penetrating Hit, does that hit count as being AP2 as it would if the

attack rolled a 6 To Wound? (p41)



Q: Can a Flyer or Flying Monstrous Creature Leave Combat

Airspace on the same turn that it entered play from

Reserves/Ongoing Reserves? (p49/81)

A: No – the owning player must deploy and move their Flyer

or Flying Monstrous Creature in such a way that this does

not happen.

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  • 4 weeks later...

ok so with the new rules for shooting and not being able to hit out of your range, can i choose to not rapid-fire if im within 12"? the way i read it is that a rapid-fire weapon cant choose to not rapid-fire if its under half the maximum weapon range away.



Q: When making a

Shooting attack against a unit, can Wounds

from the Wound Pool be allocated to models that were not within

range any of the shooting models when To Hit rolls were made (i.e.

half the targeted model are in the shooting models’ range, and half

are not)? (p15)

A: No.

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If your rapid fire weapons are within 1 model of the unit, you must rapid fire, you have no choice not to. However, interesting thing, if you have a MM in the squad that snap fires, you'll be able to allocate the bolter wounds to any model within range of the MM.

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I hope you guys realise that the only thing the new firing rules mean is that if you have Rapid Fire weapons then all of those who can fire twice (i.e. are within half range) must do so, any other models in the unit (outside of half range but within maximum range) will still get their one shot at maximum range.

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I hope you guys realise that the only thing the new firing rules mean is that if you have Rapid Fire weapons then all of those who can fire twice (i.e. are within half range) must do so, any other models in the unit (outside of half range but within maximum range) will still get their one shot at maximum range.


They mean a lot more than that, but rather than spend my time explaining, which I don't have the time to do right now, I'll link you to a handy article over on 3++.



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Not in the context of Krimsonkilla's question.


Besides which, ruleslawyering such as displayed in that article, IMO ought not to be encouraged.


There has been far too much of a movement towards further exploiting RAW and other WAAC behaviour of late.

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ok so sticking in a long range weapon will allow you to wound people further away?(that sounds stupid but bear with me) Is this something that will be frowned upon ie cheese? just the way MadDoc sounds in his post it sounds frowned upon

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And yet my original post still answered his question. No, he cannot choose to only fire one shot so long as he's in range to fire two, even if he'd only hit one model in the unit. However, I added the addendum that there was a way around that, which GW left in the FAQ in question. Rules lawyering, maybe, but I agree with the article that the alternative would slow down play too much.




Krimsonkilla, considering that GW could have easily reworded that FAQ, then I'd argue not. Of course, that could have been their intention and they meant otherwise, in which case then it would be a little underhand. It's up to you how you use it, I intend to play the rules as RAW unless there's a massive grey area which needs more common sense applied, this isn't one of those areas, the rules as written are clear enough.

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ok so sticking in a long range weapon will allow you to wound people further away?(that sounds stupid but bear with me) Is this something that will be frowned upon ie cheese? just the way MadDoc sounds in his post it sounds frowned upon

Yep. A long range weapon allows short range weapons to wound further away. That's exactly what the rule says, so it's not cheese or weird reading whatsoever.


Also, a note of clarification to a couple posters: If you have rapid firing models, you can still kill models up to 24" away.




Q: When making a

Shooting attack against a unit, can Wounds

from the Wound Pool be allocated to models that were not within

range any of the shooting models when To Hit rolls were made (i.e.

half the targeted model are in the shooting models’ range, and half

are not)? (p15)

A: No.

A bolter's range is 24", not 12". You simply get an extra shot when within 12".

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ok so sticking in a long range weapon will allow you to wound people further away?(that sounds stupid but bear with me) Is this something that will be frowned upon ie cheese? just the way MadDoc sounds in his post it sounds frowned upon

Yep. A long range weapon allows short range weapons to wound further away. That's exactly what the rule says, so it's not cheese or weird reading whatsoever.

Also, a note of clarification to a couple posters: If you have rapid firing models, you can still kill models up to 24" away.


Q: When making a
Shooting attack against a unit, can Wounds
from the Wound Pool be allocated to models that were not within
range any of the shooting models when To Hit rolls were made (i.e.
half the targeted model are in the shooting models’ range, and half
are not)? (p15)

A: No.

A bolter's range is 24", not 12". You simply get an extra shot when within 12".


I hope you guys realise that the only thing the new firing rules mean is that if you have Rapid Fire weapons then all of those who can fire twice (i.e. are within half range) must do so, any other models in the unit (outside of half range but within maximum range) will still get their one shot at maximum range.

They mean a lot more than that, but rather than spend my time explaining, which I don't have the time to do right now, I'll link you to a handy article over on 3++.


This is how the shooting range rule reads to me.

Units whose models are in range of one model in the target unit can wound any model in the targeted unit.

Take 3++ example. The second pic with the flamers. Since the entire unit of flamers is within range of one model in the targeted unit, all models in the targeted unit are able to be wounded.

Max range only determines who gets to shoot from the shooting unit. A long range weapon doesn't extend the max range. It doesn't have too.

I wouldn't follow this FAQ response at all. It just doesn't follow the way the rules are written. The entry doesn't even have the decency to be well editted.

Q: When making a Shooting attack against a unit, can Wounds from the Wound Pool be allocated to models that were not within range any of the shooting models when To Hit rolls were made (i.e. half the targeted model are in the shooting models’ range, and half are not)? (p15)

A: No.

ok so sticking in a long range weapon will allow you to wound people further away?(that sounds stupid but bear with me) Is this something that will be frowned upon ie cheese? just the way MadDoc sounds in his post it sounds frowned upon

They don't allow you to shoot further away. If you follow that FAQ, it just allows you to wound with the models that can shoot.

So if the weapon is out of range of any models in the targetted unit, that models still doesn't make any shooting attacks that turn.
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