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LPC - Chaos Ascendant


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Good afternoon Brothers, I have decided to participate in my very first LPC. I present to you my vow:


Warp Talons:



Count as Lord:



Here is a teaser of my chosen:



Fallen Terminators:



And here are 2 of the 3 bikes I may do if I have enough time:



Best of luck out there!

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The Warp Talons are going to be Night Lords (Stereotypical but it just works :P)

The lord is going to be painted as a classic Word Bearer. I actually bought the model before the new codex came out - he was going to represent a Dark Apostle or a Coryphaus (spelling). Really saddened with how they completely destroyed Dark Apostles :(

My 10 chosen I'm somewhat torn. I have 5 special weapon chosen I'll paint in either Black Legion or Night Lords again, and my 5 others will be NLs as I got some neat shoulderpads for the,.

I was to paint the termis in the pre heresy dark angels scheme, somewhat like



The bikers, if they get painted in typical nurgle colors. If I feel adventurous I might try doing the lighter pre heresy scheme, however they're currently based in black so I'll just see how it goes.


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