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Hammers of Blood with added LPC


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the above is a link to the background i'm currently working on, and below is the start of the colour scheme i have planned


this fellow is a repaint from his previous lamenters scheme. i saw another fellows on here and realised mine looked like a pile of poo by comparison so repaint o clock. that and he's my favourite GW model of all time, i would have many multiples of this fellow, converted and otherwise if i could afford!

so take a gander at the background fluff and let me know what you brothers and sisters of the b+c think!


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The base he is stood on is a previously sanded affair that got violated.

Paint wise, I painted the whole model a grey mix, washed badab black over the torso legs and head. Baal red on the arms. Then a heavy drybrush of lighter grey and red gore. Last a drybrush of skull white.

Good Evening once again, Brothers and sisters of the B + C! here is my attempt at truescaling a space marine captain for my hammers of blood marines (1st captain Vesuvius to be precise!) he is still very much in progress, and needs cleaning up, bits added etc, so first things first, the comparison line up, bare in mind, his legs are from a saguinary guard and he's leaning a bit :)



a singular view, i've attempted to make the chest plate mk. VIII errant style, i think i need to build it up a touch more, please advise



and another view



all comments welcome,

Be well brothers and sisters


  • 2 weeks later...

I apologise in advance for the cupcake table cover! here is what i shall be painting in HoB colours (after a paint strip and repair) for the LPC, in shot is 4 tac squads, dev squad, scouts, termies, sternguard, tech + servitor, attack bike. Out of shot are 2 dreads also! yeah i've set myself a big goal.. it's so i will actually have a finished force for a change! :D and to bring honour to the Liber of course.




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