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Terminator Euipment


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Hey all just had a quick question, and hopefully this is the right place on the forum to ask.


So I have never played 40k (fantasy only) and my brother plays both but hates painting and such. My goal for him this Christmas of 2013 is to have a whole army built and painted for him. He has suggested the past few months being interested in starting a Chaos army but lacks money time yada yada.


I don't want to tell him that I am doing it and or even hint. So my first unit I bought for this month was a box of Termies. I know they are a solid unit and I don't care if they are worth their points or anything but I would like to know...


How should I tool them out??? I know they have storm bolters and a heavy flamer and other weapons so any help for a good build would be greatly thanked!

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you are an awesome brother!


you should prob grab the chaos codex as part of the gift and maybe write an army list.. then you can give him the army list and codex with the army.. he will be stoked! this also means you will be buying to a list and will be able to structure your purchases/painting time constuctively

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They have Combi-bolters, which is a little bit different since they are generally better. :)


The strengths of our terminators is that they are versatile and cheap. Magnets are your friend as you might want to switch equipment on them from game to game, and it takes a while to figure out what works for you. But generally, some combi-plasma/melta are nice, and a fist or two perhaps...

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How about you throw a list together and post it in the army list forum. We'll critique it and when it's finished, there you go!


With Terminators though, the best advice we can give is magnetize and give them options for whatever. You've got like what....5 terminators in the box so if you want them to be decent I'd make 5 of each type. Five powerfists, power mauls/axes/swords, lightning claws, combi bolters, combi meltas, combi plasmas, one or two chainfists and a heavy flamer/reaper autocannon. That would allow him to use them however he wants each game. Pretty big undertaking though either way.

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Lol yea that is a big task...I like my brother and all but.... maybe ill just go with magnetizing all the arms that come with the kit first and if I have extra time one month from finishing a project early ill go back and try to ebay extra arm bitz.


Yea posting a list is a pretty cool idea...maybe ill go pick up the codex today


Thanks everyone!


Lol yea that is a big task...I like my brother and all but.... maybe ill just go with magnetizing all the arms that come with the kit first and if I have extra time one month from finishing a project early ill go back and try to ebay extra arm bitz.


Yea posting a list is a pretty cool idea...maybe ill go pick up the codex today


Thanks everyone!

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