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Flak Missiles


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I know, I know, its probably just me being too trusting again. But I was told that if you have access to a Missile Launcher you also have access to Flakk Missiles, for FREE. This was quiet convenient for my opponent.


Anyway, I was reading the new DA codex, and I noticed that DA have to pay for them. So where (if it does) in the big rule book/FAQ is this?

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Whoever told you every missile launcher has access to them for free was, at best wrong, at worst willfully cheating.

Or playing in a local group that has made the decision to allow all armies access until their Codex is updated, to maintain some semblance of balance between the new books with all the Flyers and old books with no native AA (outside of Allies or Forge World)...

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I believe that the FAQs themselves stated that you cannot take flakk missiles unless you have the option to purchase them, which I'm guessing is just DA. Tough luck if you're not.


Of course, House Rules can change that.

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yeah it definetly sucks that unless you take a flyer yourself you pretty much have no anti air.

Well, it doesn't suck for GW. Most people bought overpriced Flyers to have uber-units, and the rest had to buy them to compete with those who did - winning!

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  • 4 months later...

Hey guys, sorry for the thread necro but I had some questions about flakk missiles and this seems as good a place to post as to start another thread (i did a quick search and this was the first thread that came up)....I've seen it mentioned here on bolter and chainsword before, and it seems that the general consensus is that if you purchase flakk missiles for you MLs, you lose the others???


I know this sounds weird, but I've just seen it pop up a few times in the Nurgle forums and some of the posters seem to think that once you have flakk missiles, you always have skyfire. meaning you can only take snap shots at ground targets and there by narrowing their flexibility and giving them a single role on the battle feild.


My understanding is that you can purchase them, and in doing so basically add to the frag and krak missile arsenal, picking and choosing as the situation calls for. Your MLs would only have skyfire if they use the flakk missiles. How have you guys been playing them??

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Hey guys, sorry for the thread necro but I had some questions about flakk missiles and this seems as good a place to post as to start another thread (i did a quick search and this was the first thread that came up)....I've seen it mentioned here on bolter and chainsword before, and it seems that the general consensus is that if you purchase flakk missiles for you MLs, you lose the others???


I know this sounds weird, but I've just seen it pop up a few times in the Nurgle forums and some of the posters seem to think that once you have flakk missiles, you always have skyfire. meaning you can only take snap shots at ground targets and there by narrowing their flexibility and giving them a single role on the battle feild.


My understanding is that you can purchase them, and in doing so basically add to the frag and krak missile arsenal, picking and choosing as the situation calls for. Your MLs would only have skyfire if they use the flakk missiles. How have you guys been playing them??


Flakk missiles are a firing option for a missile launcher.  It uses the profile of the missile that is being fired.  Only the flakk missile profile has skyfire, so if it fires a non-flakk missile, it does not have skyfire.

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If the Codex allowing you to purchase them say they are an addition (so it'll say something along the lines of "you may add flakk missiles for xxpts) then they're an additional weapon profile. Only that missile gets Skyfire, the others don't.


However, should a Codex say they replace the missiles, then they will replace them. I don't know of a Codex that does this, all have them as additional, but that could change in the future.

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