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new warriors of chaos


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What the hell kind of name is 'hententicle'? Why would you name your colossal chaos spawn that? Stupid. But I like the model well enough. The forsaken have a lot of potential as well.
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Those look like some great models. Looks like there will be lots of potiential conversion ideas, hopefully those chaos lords are a plastic kit and not finecast though still great models. I love the chariot I am going to get one and convert it into a Palanquon of Nurgle as well as using the riders as bit for my Nurgle sorcerer Thank you GW for rewarding my faith in you, the new models will probably be expensive but totally worth it.
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Hententacle is best used against female eldar and Sisters of Battle.


All silliness aside, I like the slaughterbeast! It could make an interesting conversion for one of the greater daemons, a naked forgefiend, maulerfiend, or soul grinder.

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What the hell kind of name is 'hententicle'? Why would you name your colossal chaos spawn that? Stupid. But I like the model well enough. The forsaken have a lot of potential as well.

You do realise those names are made up for most of them, right? After all, the chariot being pulled by the spawn-thing is called the Beasty Chariot there. They're nicknames given by the guy who submitted the pictures.


On another note, I think I'll be taking the Vortex Beast, or whatever it's called, to be a Lasher Forgefiend.

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Pretty much nope on everything for me. The infantry is fugly and crazy expensive, the beasts, while awesome, don't translate to anything in the chaos army I would actually use them as, since I prefer my daemon engines to be at least as much 'engine' as 'daemon'. Some of it looks awesome, don't get me wrong. The huge monster in particular I love, whether in vortex or beast form. I'd definitely be picking up one if I played fantasy chaos warriors. Maybe there'll be a sufficiently beastly monstrous creature in the upcoming daemon codex that I can count it as?


All in all, some great models, some derp models, all with derp pricing. Looks pretty excited for chaos warriors in general. I look forward to facing them with my vamp counts, when I eventually go back to fantasy.

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The huge monster in particular I love, whether in vortex or beast form. I'd definitely be picking up one if I played fantasy chaos warriors. Maybe there'll be a sufficiently beastly monstrous creature in the upcoming daemon codex that I can count it as?

They'd be perfect as FWs giant chaos spawn and spined chaos beast.

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Converting the new Warriors of Chaos models... I don't know. The new Chaos Lord does not look hyper cool and currently I don't know how to turn the new monsters into something 40K styled.


I'm still looking for a way to convert the "basic" Warriors of Chaos models into Space Marines... I have several of them I bought we I tried to re-start Warhammer fantasy but I changed my mind it's not my style, I love 40K too much ;)


Anyway I have still several Warriors of Chaos models I'm using for bitzs when I have to make some other conversion so I'll problably wait some time before thinking about the new Chaos fantasy models, unless when they are released I see something so cool I decide to use for some conversion.



Ah, now there's a use. Are those things at all worth fielding? Hrm.....


And are we sure the size is compatible?

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It's comparable enough, from pics.  Then again, the new monsters cost nearly as much (in the spined beast's case) or more (for the giant spawn) than the FW models you'd be using them in place of....

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The pricing is obscene on the Chaos Warriors. I would not pay £50 for the Slaughterbrute, I don't care how good it is. Those forsaken apart from a couple that are really nice are just plain god awful sculpting IMO, they've not advanced the mutations style nearly enough

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very annoyed with prices most are just too much $113 nz for throgg or the new monsters and $81 for 10 forsaken what a rip off. Though I have to admit  the chariot is actually quite good for what it is,you have plenty of options available as well as enough parts to make your own chaos lord which has perfect weapons to use a a black mace or the Khorne axe. I was really looking forward to getting some forsaken but GW stopped that plan I hate to think how expensive a second wave of chaos space marines would be tthough that's if we get one though

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It's comparable enough, from pics.  Then again, the new monsters cost nearly as much (in the spined beast's case) or more (for the giant spawn) than the FW models you'd be using them in place of....


That's a good point. If I have to pay the same price I'd go with FW stuff.


As mentioned in many of the above posts  the price of the Warriors of Chaos models is quite high. If I ever decide to resume my Warhammer fantasy armies (well I have only two of them, I'm a huge 40K fan ;) ) I may think about them but as conversion source for Space Marines, of any kind, I'd prefer to spend my money on FW cool minis.  

With the cost of a couple of the new kits I could get several cool FW minis, well not many of them but the new monsters cost nearly as much as a FW mid sized vehicle.

The deimos pattern Predator costs 48£, after all.

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The prices are obscene. I have never in my life seen a company with a business model that ostricizes 99% of their long loyal playerbase while sticking it to that 1% until they decide they are too sore to take it anymore. There's no justification for a model like that slaughterbeast costing anything more then $50. None at all.


I reckon I'll spend more time looking into Priestley's kickstarter project.

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