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Why dont Blood Angels have generic Chapter Masters?


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...and Codex: Space Marines is intended to be the replacement for ALL the other chapters not described in Space Wolves (few successors), Dark Angels, Blood Angels, Black Templars, and Grey Knights (only 1 Chapter ever). So there's more generic ICs in that book to help fluff out a Do-It-Yourself chapter. The Blood Angel Successors are supposed to be all made up like the Blood Angels, so their Chapter Master is also probably a special BA-gear-wielding-death-machine-who's-really-good-at-close-combat-and-with-his-jump-pack.


The analogy breaks down when you look at the Dark Angels and you think "There's only ONE jetbike in the Imperium left... or just ONE per Dark Angels Successor chapter to fill their Ravenwing-Counts-As-Master"


But there could be lots of comparable (skill/stat wise) chapter masters to Dante. I think Mephiston or Lemartes are the ones that are hard to re-skin fluff wise. Except the Blood Knights might all be Lemartes-like. ANYWAYS.....

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Like Father Mapple stated BA codex is mainly intended to be for the Blood Angels parent chapter so their current CM is Dante. But like the option to create DIY chapters still exists. As you could take your own created mini, and consider it a "count as Dante". ( or CM "X" of the insert name here chapter ) Plus since Flesh Tearers are also super popular they had to add in Seth, but he's more or less a mediocre attempt to beef up a generic Captain. We seem to have been robbed of true heros in our codex.
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