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It came to my attention in a discussion yesterday that there is no actual rule about WYSIWYG in the 6th edition rules. I got out my book and had a look, but couldn't find it. It's not in the index, it's not in the introduction chapter, there's not even a blurb in the rule section. Nothing.


Is WYSIWYG gone from the game?

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WYSIWYG has always been a matter of local enforcement or lack there of. Most of the groups Ive played in have completely tossed it out the window in the name of fun and economy unless its being badly abused- at wich point wed talk to the player in question.


In short... Im not sure why anyone cared to begin with.

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i think WYSIWYG is important.. there is a player at my local club who is awful for it.. you charge what you think is some standard marines and then get told that one is a wolf lord with a bunch of flash.. the model is a tac marine. if you want something in your army buy/make it. simple. (unless you are proxying something just to try it out.. then tell your opponent. if you like it make an effort to then buy an appropriate model)
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There are a lot of different players at my club who feel differently about WYSIWYG.


These are the rules I follow and try to enforce.


You can represent your model with anything, provided:

1) The model clearly stands out as different from similar models with different equipment.

2) The equipment the model has is clearly stated before the start of the game.

OR you have a printed roster you can hand to me for the game.



If you don't follow the rules above, the model is counted as what it looks like and not what you say it is.

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There are a lot of different players at my club who feel differently about WYSIWYG.

These are the rules I follow and try to enforce.

You can represent your model with anything, provided:

1) The model clearly stands out as different from similar models with different equipment.

2) The equipment the model has is clearly stated before the start of the game.

This is exactly my opinion on the issue. The necessity to stand out as different from similar models with different equipement is extremely important in 6th Edition since causualties are no longer removed discretionally by the controlling player.

In 5th edtion the special weapons were usually the last models to be removed as casualties so you knew you killed the "standard" weapon models.

However the necessity to stand out was still present form the purposes of line of sight and range, for example.

Anyway, for the recrods, your rules are the same I follow myself msn-wink.gif

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I honestly do not care what rules people follow at their local gatherings. What I care about is that WYSIWYG was once an actual rule that now seems to have gone away, leaving the door wide open for the sort of player who'll use PAGKs as Paladins or a bolter/chainsword veteran sergeant as twin lightning claws Chaos Lord, Or even Inquisitor minatures as daemon princes and greater daemons.


Heck, I've seen childrens toys roped in to serve as Forgefiends and Defilers. Barney the Dino is not a good substitute.


God-Emperor preserve me, I've better things to do than take notes before each game so I can tell what's what on the field.

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noone forces you to play against people who play like that. WYSIWYG is a great rule to stop cheaters in their tracks (at least, partialy). refusing to play against those people is the ultimate rule to stop those cheaters in their tracks.
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With the way prices are going up...I'm pretty much going to have to play with paper counters ;)


On the rules side I don't believe there is a wysiwyg rule officially in the book but I'm sure there's a part in modelling where it says that models are supposed to be modelled with what they are carrying.

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Off the top of my head the closest thing to a WYSIWYG rule in the rolebook is the bit about looking at the model to determine what type of power weapon it is carrying. But in any case, at least for tournaments the tournament rules themselves tend to more or less enforce WYSIWYG anyway, while for friendly games it's always up to the individual players to agree on anyway.
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  • 2 weeks later...

My general personal rule is that if there's a unique model for a certain unit or piece of wargear, use it or lose it. If there isn't, make a reasonable counts-as. If you think the guy is cheating, ask for a roster or something like that. If that doesn't satisfy you, then either ask them to use actual models/use reasonable model proxies or, failing that, walk away. If your opponent doesn't like it, they can deal with it until they get a better solution. One of the advantages of an actual GW store is they'll not allow dumb proxies.


As an example of a reasonable counts-as, My Captain on Bike has an Auxiliary Grenade Launcher, but so far as I know, theres no model for such a thing, so what I intend to do is take a Scout Bike Grenade Launcher and model it to the (incredibly highly converted) front of my Captain's Bike. In my mind that seems like a reasonable counts-ad, I don't know what others think of it as it hasn't been done yet and I still have more models to make before my army is game-legal, but I feel thats a reasonable enough amount of plausibility and effort to count.

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Well it is still WYSIWYG per say even though they don't out right say it.  they show it in the Melee weapons section for weapons, Like Power Weapons, if it doesn't state what special rules or what type of Power weapon it is you are to look at it and that is what type it is. So if you were to give a guy a power weapon it would need to be shown so the person can know what type it is. Things like that.

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