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How it should have ended - Chaos rewards


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Hi guys,


If you're anything like me you would have felt a little let down with the lack luster approach GW have regarding the greatest threat the humanities survival. I thought I'd start a series on posts, purely fan based and un-official, to add a little extra zing back into the "Codex".


Anyway, without further ado here is my first foray into re-writing the wargear section. More will follow as I come up with it and this topic will be in a constant state of editing.






Collar of Khorne: The Champion and any unit he joins pass Deny the witch rolls on a 2+, effects end immediately if the champion is killed, turned into a daemon prince or a chaos spawn.....................25 points.


Hellblade: Range: -/Str: User+1/ Ap:3/ Special: Daemon weapon, close combat only...............30 points. (edited)


Axe of Khorne: Range: -/Str: User+2/ Ap:2/ Special: Daemon weapon, close combat only...............40 points. (edited)


Armour of Khorne: Replaces power armour, gives a 2+ armour save. Gives a 5+inv save vs. Psychic powers only. Bearer counts as having power armour for the purpose of wargear selection and transporting..........20 points.


Burning Brand of Skalathrax: As per current Codex


Juggernaut of Khorne: As per current Codex


Martial skill: The champion counts as having the Blademaster result on the Chaos boons table giving him +1WS............15 points. (edited)


Huge muscles: The champion counts as having the Strength of the Berzerker result on the Chaos boons table giving him +1 S............15 points. (edited)


Fury of Khorne: All of the champions attacks made in close combat only count as having the Rending special rule. This can be combined with any weapon, including daemon weapons......... 10 points.


Bloodfeeder: Range: -/Str: User+1 /Ap:3/ Special: Daemon weapon, close combat only, bearer gains +2D6 attacks, rolled at the start of the combat sub-phase...............50 points.


*Edited thanks to Iron_Within's comments - 18/01/2013*




C&C on this is always welcome.

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Hellblade undercosted. Needs to be at about 10 or 15 points more. Currently you've costs +1S and the Daemon Weapon special rule (+D6 attacks) at 5 points... that way under.

Similarly with the Axe of Khorne, I would leave that as the Axe of Blind fury, it suits Khorne.

Same with the Boon rolls, that is very cheap for a guaranteed useful roll.

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Hellblade undercosted. Needs to be at about 10 or 15 points more. Currently you've costs +1S and the Daemon Weapon special rule (+D6 attacks) at 5 points... that way under.

Similarly with the Axe of Khorne, I would leave that as the Axe of Blind fury, it suits Khorne.

Same with the Boon rolls, that is very cheap for a guaranteed useful roll.


Well caught Iron_Within. I added the DW rule to the axe and blade without updating the cost also forgot to up the points for the boons. (original daught was listed as 10 points)


Consider it edited.


The axe of blind fury sucks and is a pale imposter compared to Khorne's original cleaver! I'm an old Chaos Lord and they just don't make daemon weapons like they used to.

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Wishlisting is cathartic, and don't get me wrong, I've done more than my share of it since the 6e book hit, but there's not a lot of point to it, and certainly not a lot of point to discussing it online. The CSM book isn't bad enough, and the CSM community not unified enough, and the rest of the 40k community not sympathetic enough, to allow anything like the 6th ed fantasy dark elf revision or 7th ed fantasy chaos dwarf homebrew codex to take hold.
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I have the view that if people want to use these in friendly games, go for it. But it's important to increase the cost relative to the codex itself like you've done.


I think general advice when doing these things is it's a mind to add character and flavour not give "teh powah". I think your points are good now, you'll get Khornate killing machine of a different flavour without being overpowered.


The other thing you might want to consider adding downsides to some things. Not becuase your things are powerful but simply for flavour. I'm one of those odd individuals who likes on some levels the Chaos boon table (despite me forever hating it on another for spawning my Abbaddon....) but on that note. Maybe you could work something into each Mark that means the god will turn on them. It's a half idea from me atm. Like for example if your lord loses combat or enough blood doesn't flow (not enough wounds dished by either sides) then Khorne gets angry and starts spawning Weakling Lords

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Martial skill, should be renamed Martial Prowess, you get to choose amongst 3 Martial Prowess, you can only choose one and you use it until the end of the game.


1; Flurry of Blows, for each 6 you make you roll another attack, keep rolling has long that you get 6's.

2; Furious Vengeance, you don't attack this turn, you reroll all your saves, for each saved wound, the ennemy who attacked you, take one wound that follow your characters equipment rules.

3; Blood Strikes, you gain an additional attack for each model you killed in the previous Assault phase


You have Psykers and Psy powers?, we have Martial Skill&Tricks!

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