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"The rules in this book assume that models are mounted on the base they are supplied with." Page 3


You're totally fine in keeping them on their old bases (though I think you meant 25mm for the terminators; 10mm is the size of a pinky nail!), but if you want to give them bases that the current models have, that's also acceptable.

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Well they are old, I don't have spare 40mm bases, and these are what they came with. I'm lazy enough and have enough other stuff that I don't want to go through the trouble of converting. All true.


IMO they are better if deep striking, but realize that more things will fit under a plasma blast template that hits. And the smaller base means you can't attack as many things or have the b2b with as many things. I see it as more of a trade off. Better for some stuff. Worse for other stuff.

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They'll be hit more by plasma, enemies can more easily get around them to strike at the juicy stuff behind, they provide less cover to models behind them...for every advantage, there's a disadvantage. It's completely equal to use little bases or big bases.
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