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I'm looking to include an assault element in my fledgling Iron warriors (don't hate me!).


I was pretty deadset on squads of 9-10 CSM (one unit will have an attached IC) with MoK, IoW, meltaguns, and a PW on the champ. That runs me about 215pts. the 9 man squad would still have a second meltagun in the form of my HQ's mechatendrils.


I've been considering running proper 'zerks instead, and at the same price (without special weapons and IoW) They're looking like a better deal all the time. It'll involve me swapping out my warpsmith for a cleverly modeled Khârn (which is fine), but I think I may miss the meltaguns, leaving me skeptical.


it's only today that I've started thinking about chosen. I can get 8 Chosen equipped exactly like that first unit of CSM; for (again) the exact same price, and I still have the option to include a couple more PW/PFs in the squad that can't be singled out. Although they can get expensive pretty quickly; they seem to be a pretty efficient choice.



Here's where you guys come in: is anyone willing to share their experiences with K.Chosen? especially, how did you equip them?


My core unit is 8 Chosen, MoK, IoW, Champ/Powersword, to which I would add either a pair of meltaguns and powerfists @ 265pts, or 4 Power weapons (4x Lance, or 2x Sword 2x Axe) @ 255pts


It all seems so costly, especially if I want to add two units. Maybe I'm giving them too many special weapons? I have an army of grey knights, so I'm used to getting lots of tricks for 250pts, so I really feel like I'm overspending... Also, if they're packing Rage and a pair of PF/PAs, do I really need the IoW? although a little redundant, it really makes non fist weapons (and the bucket of 'normal' attack dice) fantastic..


I typically play at the 1850 level (at 1500 i'd only bring the one squad), and I'm not ready to invest in a land raider; so these guys are getting rhinos (My HS is tied up in predators/vindis). I know that hurts them, but they aren't the focus of my army.


Thanks in advance for your insight, any and all help is appreciated.

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As stated previously, if i go with the chosen, I'll trim my CSM units down to less men, and run them as chosen (taking advantage of the HW availability in small units). Since my CC units will be the only ones bearing marks (khorne, obviously), I have a lot of leeway in picking an appropriate HQ to keep them scoring. Fluff isn't too much a concern, as any marks/mutations can be easily covered by more 'mechanical' conversions.


What kind of compromise are you suggesting? This unit is going to be my CC hammer, and the rest of the army (mostly the HS) acting as the anvil, so I don't need to worry about packing it full of plasma (or the like). It's a simple tactic, but effective none the less. The balanced backlist is what's allowing me to look at my CC units in a vacuum.

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  • 1 month later...

I would hold off on loading them up with power weapons, terminators come at a similar price with a 2+ 5++ save, and power weapons included, along with combi weapons as options. By all means, pack a hidden fist for a Sho-ryu-ken the badguys won't expect, but I wouldn't put more than 2 total (one on the champ, one hidden). The benefit of chosen is their high base attacks, and ability to take Special Weapons and a Heavy at less than 10 guys, but they're still 1 wound guys so you don't want to put too much into them at the detriment of the rest of your army. Started out that way with my Tau. Souped up Firewarriors with all the 'Fixins', Kroot with Shapers and 'armor' and only 3 battle suits total will make for a very GW Fluff centric experience of the "MIGHTY IMPERIUM censored.gif THE FOUL XENOS FOR DARING TO EXIST!" but does not make it a fun army to play. Similarly loading your army down on expensive small units with lots of bling (that costs a lot when one of those guys die) isn't really great-but you seem to have the right mindset of not making it all about Chosen and only taking 1 unit.

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