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Modelling the Deamon/Specialist weapons


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I see the Black Mace, Murder Sword, Axe of Blind Fury and Burning Brand appearing in most army lists or Lord load out threads, but the just a handful of pics showing how guys are representing these on models.


I have just grabbed a Mace from the WoC Knights for my Black Mace on my Termie Lord, but need inspiration for the others as I intend to have all options available to me.


Can you chaps provide details/pics of how you represent/have converted them?

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Axe of Blinding Fury: the axe from the plastic chosen champion


Black Mace: I'm just repainting my already extensively converted daemon prince's converted giant sword black and calling it a day. If you want a black mace on a terminator lord, and aren't stuck using GW only models, you could do worse than scribor's Chaos Master.


Murder Sword, back when I tried to use the MS, I was using the Dark Vengeance lord who already has a cool daemonic looking sword. That didn't work out so well, because the murder sword is terrible. Now that model is a 'sorcerer' with a 'force sword'.

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For the AoBF I used the WoC knight axe for the foot lord (center left in the picture) and the Axe from the DV chosen for my juggerlord.




For the Black Mace I'm going to use the WoC knight mace, that thing just looks awesome.

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Just use some brass rod or other metal to make the haft the appropriate size, then pin a suitable Mace head on. Something like Sauron's mace from the Lord of the rings set or the flaming ball from the Skaven Screaming Bell would be appropriately large/ demonic I would imagine.
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@Hazath, there are more pictures somewhere in the link in my sig. Thanks though for the compliment!


For DPs, I don't think its worth going with WYSIWYG. DPs are you centerpiece models so if anything I just go with counts as, after all Daemon weapons are supposed to be able to shift forms.

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Daemon weapons were supposed to be able to shift forms, back when power axes and power swords and power maces were all 'power weapons'. Mention of changing forms is noticeably absent in the new book, and the daemon weapons have rules reminiscent of their non-daemon forms (the blinding axe is AP2, the black mace is AP4, the murder sword is just a power sword that costs more points.


I'll be running a sword that 'counts as' the black mace for my prince, but it's definitely a case of 'counts as', and I could see stuffier venues getting uppity about it.

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I'll be running a sword that 'counts as' the black mace for my prince, but it's definitely a case of 'counts as', and I could see stuffier venues getting uppity about it.


If someone gives you a hard time about this just ignore them. They are not power weapons but unique objects so WYSIWYG does not apply.


Friend of mine actually plays his as a black scythe on his nurgle lord!

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Daemon weapons were supposed to be able to shift forms, back when power axes and power swords and power maces were all 'power weapons'. Mention of changing forms is noticeably absent in the new book, and the daemon weapons have rules reminiscent of their non-daemon forms (the blinding axe is AP2, the black mace is AP4, the murder sword is just a power sword that costs more points.


I'll be running a sword that 'counts as' the black mace for my prince, but it's definitely a case of 'counts as', and I could see stuffier venues getting uppity about it.


The words 'power mace' or 'power axe' are never mentioned. In their names there is 'axe' or 'mace' and they have the same AP value and +strenght as a power axe or mace, but it is still a 'Daemon weapon' so technically you can still have anything you want and not doing a 'count as'

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It is not "a" demon weapon. It is "the" Black Mace, or "the" Blinding Axe, unique specific relics with specific forms. There is no generic 'daemon weapon' statline for any odd daemon weapon you might come up with. Daemon weapons had mutable forms back when many melee weapons in general had mutable forms and neither is the case now. Running a Sword as the 'black mace' is very much the same as running a scythe as a power sword or a big hammer as an eviscerator. Should be fine in most places, you shouldn't get any more trouble doing so than you would if you ran volkite guns or personal cannons as sonic blasters in a noise marine squad, or using shields to represent the mark of nurgle in an 'unaligned' Iron Warriors army. "Counts as" isn't usually a problem in 40k, but that's still what this is, a case of "counts as", and if I didn't already have a heavily converted prince you can bet I'd be sticking a mace on mine and not a sword. Or if there were a daemon weapon sword, I'd be using that and not the mace.
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I agree with Malisteen, so will not add any more fuel to flame. Back to the topic:


For Black Mace I was choosing between those two:



Doing second one now. It's quite huge, right size for Daemon Prince.



For Blind Fury:





And for murderwrod either sword of Lord on Manticore (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat440108a&prodId=prod1250010a) or puppetswar again: http://puppetswar.com/product.php?id_product=138


And for Skalathrax I've used simple flamer + music instrument from Chaos Knights (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat440110a&prodId=prod1590018) just cut the nozzle from flamer, glue the head of musical instrument and move nozzle into the mouth of musical instrument. Looks quite daemonic.


It's a real shame our artefacts list is that pathetic, in comparison to FB Chaos...

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Again just go with counts as for DWs and if anyone gives you censored.gif then just don't play them.

Don't you feel weird saying every time before the game "oh, and that axe, it's actually sword. and that sword, it's actually a mace."? I do, that's why I'm trying to stick with the name. I'm not opposed to "count as", half of my army is actually "count as", but I'm not proud of it.

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For my guy with the MURDER SWORD, I took the Space Marine commander sword arm, and carved the sword down to be sort of like the Master Sword from the Legend of Zelda series complete with stormshield/Combat Shield (whatever the bit from the assault squad box is) count-as for the Mark of Tzeentch and Sigil of Corruption. For the Disc of Tzeentch he's riding on, I took two spare flying bases from my Tau Devil fishes, Hot Glue Gunned them together.


Then I went about drilling in 'anchors' of paper clips and let it dry before green stuffing tentacles and various spikey bits (and all many of the horns I've cut off my CSMs).


He may never see play, but he was fun to build and paint as a fallen Blood Raven Important guy.

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This is my Termi Lord with AoBF.



In The Previous codex it was a Bloodfeeder, but its still looking enough has Glaive/Axe to serve as a AoBF.


And My Second Termi Lord, at first i modeled him with two axes to plau him with LC's and called it Khorne's Axes.

But now i can use it as the AoBR.


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