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Emperor's Children Terminators-Help!


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Hiya! I am starting a new project and need your kind wisdom. I have a terminator squad for 3 of the Ruinous Powers. The WE and DG Forgeworld kits made those two powers easy. Chopping headresses and making tabards made the Rubric Terminators doable. Now I have a problem. How do I "slaanesh" up a terminator squad? My sculpting skills are rudimentary. I don't want to just follow my EC paint scheme and call it a day. Exposed breasts and high heels don't really fit terminators. I am stumped. Help!
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I'd second using Daemonette claws on some of them, to represent a certain type of power weapon (so only use them for the lighting claws for example).


Maybe using only heads with vanity masks across the face, a la Vega from Street Fighter- as though they think they're too pretty to get hit but don't like wearing helmets because it messes up their hair. Would probably fit Flawless Host Terminators.


Besides that perhaps elongating the part of the model where their torso joins their legs (this thread gave me that idea) though it might look a bit weird with the chunkier Terminator torsos.


Apart from that, perhaps just adding extra embellishments and trophies to them; things like skins/ pelts, gold chains, incense holders and such.

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