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Black Crusade


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I don't know if this has been discussed be for but i thought that we could make up a Black Crusade army. Like the space wolves have the Codex: 13th Great Company Project.

We could post pictures of our army's.


I don't know it was just an idea.

Any takers

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I`m building/ rebuilding my army for 6th anyway, so i could post a pic once is done. Unless you have sharp deadlines...I joined The LPC just for the purpose to put some finished models on the table and not get sidetracked. which remind me I stil have to post some pics....
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not really, but i can give you the gist of it pretty quickly. basically i castled up behind some low walls and in front of a ruin to give my armor some cover. from left to right was something like: rhino, 3 plasma fiend, base helbrute, vindicator, rhino. and behind them, in the ruin, i put my chosen with huron attached. the armor was kinda horseshoe shaped and my infantry plugged the rear armor hole so he couldn't just drop in behind the building and hit all those lovely AV10s.


i managed to steal the initiative and just sat still, dropping some plates on him and trying to drag him closer. scored first blood with a vindicator hit on an attack bike. he actually paced the table scratching his chin looking for a good place to drop, which i took as a great sign.


termies landed on bottom of 1 and had some pretty terrible rolls, which helped immensely,. lost a couple of chosen and got a couple glances and a shaken/stirred roll on my fiend/broken main gun on the vindi but otherwise unharmed. jumped plasma guys out of the rhinos and shot everything at the termies, chosen moved around and plugged a few, then ran an iron armed s/t7 huron led chosen stampede that killed some termies. the close support dreadnaught he had dialed in on my helbrute and we blasted at eachother a few turns. he assaulted and we killed eachother in firey powerfisty explosions that then killed one of my troops on a nearby objective :( my heldrake made me sweat, but finally came in on turn 4 and killed some bikes and a dread, killed a speeder on 5.


my forces were pretty slim by the time the game was over and 2/3 of the objectives were contested, 3rd wasn't held. 1-0 victory for chaos from first blood in turn 1.

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Whoa. That's pretty tense. By 3 plasma fiend, I assume you mean an ecto-fiend with a full loadout of ectoplasma cannons since you had a Vindicator correct?

yeah it was really fun and very intense.

that's exactly it. the 200 point version that gives you 3 templates. it did ok, the fiend very rarely disappoints for me, but it took a beating that game.

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yeah i have thought of that actually. i'm probably going to test it tomorrow. the 2 hades no plas does a number on guard. the built in invuln also means i don't have to be quite so cautious as i do with my tracks, so it can always have a good LoS. the 3 s8 plasma blasts of course make terminators crap themselves. i'm thinking the 2 hades 1 plas will have a nice dual role and still be fairly effective at both. i mean, normally i wouldn't think to mix and match ranges like that, but it's not like you're swapping out a gun, just adding another. can't hurt, especially after i gave up hope after the faq that the dimensional key would be any good. there's my 25 points. hehe

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