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Drop Pod Question


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If a Drop Pod scatter onto impassable terran upon landing, what happens?


I think that it simply reduces its scatter range and lands but one of the guy in our community claims that it can not and it must roll mishap.


Thanks for the help.

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If you place it on impassable terrain, you are SOL. If it goes off the table due to scatter you are SOL.


However as long as you place it legally, you are fine for impassable terrain- because as the rules in its entry state, you can REDUCE the scatter as much as needed to not be on impassable terrain.


When in doubt, pull out your codex and let everyone read it.

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As Grey Mage has said, you must place the model in a place where it can land (not impassable and obviously, on the table)


The Pod then scatters, should this result in the model overlapping impassable terrain or another model then you reduce the

scatter by the minimum required to ensure that its doesn't overlap said obstacle.


You only Mishap if you scatter off the board, and no (carnosaur93), inertial guidance will not help you there at all! (see the

space marines FAQ on the GW website).


However if you land in other types of terrain (difficult/dangerous - both of which count as dangerous to vehicles) without

any overlap with impassable terrain/units then that doesn't reduce the scatter and you land in said terrain and must take

a dangerous terrain test, which should you fail will cause the pod to lose a hull point.



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Thank for the quick answers and now i have an other questionwhistlingW.gif

After the drop pod lands, i know that units can disembark 3 inches but i read somewhere that you can disembark 6 inches and now i am confused. Which one is the correct rule?

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You follow the 6th edition rules for disembarking from an open topped vehicle.


ie each model starts in base to base with the hull of the pod, then gets to make a normal move (modified by difficult terrain as normal) but must finish it's move entirely within 6" of the hull of the pod. You then proceed to the next model in the unit and repeat until the whole unit has been deployed.


The 3" deployment is a 5th edition rule, which has been rendered void by the release of 6th edition which changed the rules regarding deploying from a transport vehicle.



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