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Characters and infiltration


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Hey, this has already been touched on in other threads but perhaps not conclusively settled, so I thought I'd check regarding my understanding of the rules.


Two imperial armour characters (Ahazra Redth and Bran Redmaw) both have similar special rules. Ahazra Redth grants C:SM infantry models infiltrate as a chapter tactic. Redmaw grants a single pack of grey hunters infiltrate and behind enemy lines (and has saga of the hunter himself, as well). Are the following rules interpretations correct?


1) Bran Redmaw doesn't have infiltrate.

2) No space wolves ICs can join the Grey hunters pack given infiltrate by Redmaw (or the C:SM infiltrating units), because ICs without cannot join units with. However, you could join a WGPL to the unit because it's not an IC.

3) C:SM ICs with infiltrate could join space wolves packs to allow them to infiltrate. It has been claimed in the past that it's impossible because characters don't join units BEFORE deployment, but that would, for instance, render Shrike's ability nonfunctional. Via reductio ad absurdum, it would follow that ICs with infiltrate can join units without infiltrate and allow them to infiltrate.

4) Last question: Could two ICs (one with infiltrate, one without) join a unit (without infiltrate) and then all benefit from the infiltrate special rule?

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