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Valkyries Wrath Campaign My Friends and I Began!

I am Legion

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So I had an idea to change up the way my 2 friends and I play our games. I decided that I wanted to do a story driven (choose your own adventuresque) RPG Campaign. There are 3 armies that will be used. These are our absolute most favourite armies of all time! Also keep in mind that we 3 are infamously fierce competitors.

Dave (Necrons) - Master Lucky Dice God, known for using abstract strategies that are very hit or miss. Builds armies in the "outside the box" way of thinking. Daves philosophy "It's ok to cheat a little" tongue.png

Martin (Grey Knights) - Unlucky roller, rule challenger, trys to find loopholes, known for the direct approach, and to win by any means necesarry. Builds steamroller armies that give my all rounder armies a good challenge tactically. Martins philosophy "I'm not drunk, I'm going to get another beer....anyone?" biggrin.png

Max (Blood Angels) - A.K.A. I Am Legion - Rolls high, even at inoppurtune moments....known for resourcefulness and great tactics, unfortunately troops faced with morale checks are bound to run. Known for the ability to command victory through the disregard of "troopers" lives, superior focus during games, allowing for the ability to see the big picture (aka goes into "Seed Mode"). Builds all rounder armies, only plays Blood Angels while everyone else will try out differant armies. Maxs philosophy "Let's Rock!"

Now that we got that out of the way, I had Martin write up the story for our campaign (see below for the Blood Angel Mission parameters) as he's an incredible writer!!!!!!! Like....currently writing books. As Nerds, you will all know his name some day tongue.png

Essentially the Story goes as follows:

The Blood Angels (see below)

Grey Knights - Not 100% sure of why they're on this planet......yet......But they are to annihilate anyone in the way, up to and including allied forces. They are led by an Inquisitor.

Necrons - 2 armies invade their planet, they are to defend it as they are defending a supercomplex beneath the Necron Catacombs belonging to a Legendary Scientist that has a secret Lab built deep underground.

So far we have done a small simple recon mission to get an idea of how we will be building armies based on story or "how an actual army would work in these situations". So for the first and practice recon mission the Necrons are holding a massive structure which is a tunnel entrance to the surface of the planet. GK and BAs come from the long edge of the table and only one army can hold the objective to win. Game ended as a draw between BA and GKs as we were fighting in close combat on top of the objective by end of turn 5 where the roll ended the game. I had 6 tax left to his Atwood grey knight marines.

So I had 1 Tac squad, 1 scout squad, 1 scout biker squad, 3 land speeders, and a librarian. Just so you guys get an idea of how fluffy we plan to be.......

The actual First Mission will be planetfall. literally a minute and a half after the BA commander Solus Maximus (Me tongue.png) gives the order to take the planet! I will update as we go along.

Anyway, I've pratteled on long enough, and so now I submit Martins Blood Angel campaign briefing below for me:



[|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ] 75%...Complete.


To: Maximus, Solus, Lord Commander, Adeptus Astartes Codex Blood Angels Task Force ZZ-982-Q

From: Polonus Regium, Lord Administrator, Adeptus Astartes Adjunct, Mission Control, Adeptus Administratum, Terra

Priority: Extreme

Re: Campaign Background Briefing – Terminal Sector, B2111-V, Planet URN-7743


–Adeptus Administratum By-law 41000-992-H

Adeptus Astartes Mission Campaign 0000041833-772-0159-A1

+++Initiate Briefing+++

*** Initiate Background Information Session***

Terminal Sectors

Terminal sectors occupy the very furthest reaches of our galaxy. They are so remote, as to only peripherally be considered part of the galaxy. As such, the difficulties associated with navigating them are multiplied a million-fold due to the vast increase in Warp disturbance activities that occur beyond the galactic rim.

For those who are daring, foolhardy or fortunate enough to reach these sectors, they make excellent pirate bases, renegade fortresses, and illegitimate, would-be kingdoms, or more sinisterly, outposts for hostile elements as well. Their isolation means that they become easy prey for predatory species, most specifically Tyanid Hive Incursions and Ork Massacre Campaigns.

Current estimates:

-Known terminal sectors that are destroyed or uninhabitable: 20.87%

-Known terminal sectors that are occupied by hostile or renegade elements: 44.337%

-Known terminal sectors that are occupied by settlers and colonists: 0.23%

-Known terminal sectors that are occupied by friendly elements: 4.08%

-Known terminal sectors that are unaccounted for: 30.483%

-Known percent of estimated total terminal sectors: 0.001%

-Unknown percent of estimated total terminal sectors: 99.999%

Terminal Sector B2111-V

There are terminal sectors whose inhabitants have been isolated from the rest of galactic situation since the days of our Most Holy Emperor. May He Rule Forever.

Some of these sectors, such as F-9936-X, known colloquially as “Veritas” are the stuff of legend, as they harbor artifacts and technology that date back to before the dark times, when such marvels were commonplace.

Terminal Sector B2111-V is believed to be one of these isolated sectors. Records from that time are scarce, unfortunately. Little remains but a record from year 02532.082 of the names and professions of the colonists that set out along the vector to that particular sector, and a brief transcript of a transmission indicating that their arrival was successful. The only other point of interest was one name on the passenger manifest of the transport that sent the colonists to their destination:


Dr. Anton Pavlovich is better known among the Adeptus Mechanicus as the principal engineer behind the development of:

-The Warp Field Hyperspace Propulsion Engine Prototype (Team Lead)

-000001A Tactical Dreadnought-Type Integrated Mobile Assault and Defence System, better known as Prototype Terminator Armor

-000001B Tactical Dreadnought-Type Mechanized Integrated Life Support and Mobile Assault System, better known as the Prototype Dreadnought Walker

-The GKXT-777 Nemesis-Pattern Force Weapon

-The TDS-3499C Void Energy/Matter/Anti-matter Shield Generator and Emitter System

-The SM-TBM-ZZ9A Hellfire Munition

-Many others

It is unlikely that we will ever know the full extent of Pavlovich’s contributions to Imperial Engineering. His resting place carries great potential significance.

The sector itself is unremarkable, comprised of some 2,004,372 stars, classes I-IV. The only remarkable aspect of the sector is its lack of habitable worlds. Currently, there is only one known habitable world in the sector: URN-7743.

Planet URN-7743

The world that the settlers came to call their own is known in the Imperial Database only as URN-7743, or Uninhabited Resources Negligible, meaning that there were no indigenous intelligent species present and that the planet had no natural resources worth harvesting or trading. The designation was applied during the Third Imperial Galactic Survey in 12786.049.


Class: III Inhabitable

Equatorial Circumference: 40548.16 standard km

Orbital Circumference: 160,115,237 standard km

Satellites: None

Primary: Class II Yellow (NTY-12572862-D)

Secondary/Tertiary: None/None

Relative Distance From System Primary: 156,002,012 standard km

Age: 5,000,000,000 Standard Years (est.)

Gravity: 1.1 Terran Standard

Axial Tilt: 17.88 standard degrees

Axial Period: 29.2 standard hours

Solar Orbital Period: 412.51 standard days

Atmosphere: Nitrogen-Oxygen – Non-toxic to unassisted human life

Average Global Preciptiation: 112 standard parts/standard year

Average Global Temperature: 19.7 standard degrees centigrade

Principal Seasons: Summer/Rainy/Winter

Principal Land Mass Type: Continental body (3 principal)

Principal Oceanic Mass Type: Ocean (2 principal)

Principal Planetary Biomes: Desert, Tundra, Arctic, Jungle, Rainforest, Boreal Forest, Mountain, Infernal, Temperate Forest, Savanna (Terran-comparable analogs)

Indigenous Flora/Fauna: 60% Hostile

40% Non-Hostile

The planet is near-Terran in terms of its makeup, climate, orbital period and so forth and does not have any prominent geological features. Its most conspicuous feature is its wholly non-descript appearance. Typically, a planetary body such as this would not warrant even a brief entry in the Encyclopaedia Galactica.

***End Background Information Session***

***Initiate Mission Briefing***

Mission Background

Planet URN-7743 has remained in virtual isolation for nearly 35,000 standard years. An unmanned probe scanned the planet during the Third Imperial Galactic Survey around 31003.074. It noted medium-density population centres, scattered across the planet’s surface and numerous communications satellites. There was no evidence of any orbital or ground defences, or any orbital stations or space-ports.

Planet URN-7743 was scanned once more during the Census Imperialis around 35422.813. Curiously, the scans depicted an uninhabited world, and what appeared to be the remains of several large impact craters. It was assumed by the Administratum that the colony had been the victim of a natural disaster. The file on the URN-7743 colony was closed, and the record was filed away.

Approximately three standard months ago, an Imperial Guard scout ship, the Yarmouth was returning from Sector Epsilon, following the Armageddon Campaign. One of their hyperspace jumps carried them close to Terminal Sector B2111-V. Upon exiting from hyperspace to reorient for their next jump, the Yarmouth intercepted a garbled transmission originating from URN-7743. The Yarmouth received clearance from Armageddon Fleet Control to investigate the transmission. Shortly after they reported arriving in the NTY-12572862-D system, they reported that URN-7743 was uninhabited, and that there were no signs of civilization. Then all transmissions ceased. Long range scans revealed nothing to explain the cessation.

One standard week later, a nearby Adeptus Astartes Blood Angels Codex Encarmine Chapter Space Marine Scout Squad MS-9945-B was dispatched to investigate the disappearance. As with the Yarmouth’s report, the Scout Squad reported that there were no indications of orbital defences and no fortifications or armed emplacements in evidence. There was also no sign of the Yarmouth or its crew. To all accounts, squad MS-9945-B was wiped out shortly afterwards. Final transmissions indicate that the squad was eliminated by a force of NS-004V configuration Necron Destroyer-Type troops.

Three standard days ago, High Command signed order IDO-41972-0012-01-R to dispatch an Adeptus Astartes Task Force Fleet to URN-7743 to address this threat. It has been determined that your fleet is optimized for the mission parameters.

Long Range Scan Report

Long Range Scans of the NTY-12572862-D system and of URN-7743 have not revealed the presence of any Necron or other hostile space forces, nor is there any evidence of orbital or ground based defences. To all appearances, the planet and the system are unoccupied.

Scans have detected the presence of Inquisitorum vessels elsewhere in Terminal Sector B2111-V. Their presence may be coincidental, or it may not. There is no intelligence to suggest otherwise at this juncture. Caution is strongly recommended.

Mission Objectives


1. Confirm the fate of squad MS-9945-B.

2. Confirm the fate of the Yarmouth and its crew

3. Confirm the identity and extent of occupation of any hostile elements on URN-7743

4. Confirm the existence of any facilities, records or artifacts related to Dr. Pavlovich

5. Secure any facilities, records, or artifacts related to Dr. Pavlovich

6. Prevent the capture of any facilities, records or artifacts related to Dr. Pavlovich that can’t be secured by any means available, including their elimination.


1. Eliminate any hostile elements that you encounter during the execution of any primary objectives with extreme prejudice.

2. Confirm the nature of the impact craters that were noted during the Census Imperialis. There is concern that these formations were of artifical origins.


1. Discover the source of the transmission that originally attracted the Yarmouth, and decipher it.

2. Disable the transmission source, if at all possible

3. Determine, if at all possible, what eliminated the original colonists

Mission Constraints

Due to the possible presence of facilities, records and artifacts belonging to Dr. Pavlovich, you are not authorized to issue any Exterminatus Extremis-Type Directives, as the above could sustain irrecoverable damage through such an action. Surgical bombardments are still allowed at your discretion, but should be kept to the bare minimum necessary.

Due to the risks associated with navigating Terminal Sectors, you will not be able to request any reinforcements on this mission. You must accomplish all objectives with the resources provided.

Mission Resources and Materiel

You will retain all current resources and materiel under your command. Additionally, the Imperial Fleet Supercarrier-class vessel, Attila will be detached from the 1657th Imperial Fleet group and will be attached to your fleet for the duration of the mission. The Attila will be fully at your command for the duration of the mission and is there solely for the purposes of fulfilling the mission’s objectives. Should it survive, it will be reassigned to the 1657th at the conclusion of the mission.

+++Terminate Briefing+++


[|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ] 68%...Complete!



Do you accept the mission and all its associated conditions?

à [YES] [NO]

Thank you for your compliance. Fleet High Command will be sending your dispatch orders shortly.


Now Copywrited smile.png If you would like to use this on your webpages or anywhere else, please simply ask for permission, that's all Martin asks. Thank you everyone for reading and hopefully following this thread.

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