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Vengeful Strike and Gate of Infinity


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The wording in both cases seems to jive for me, but I'll leave it up to wiser minds than mine.


Gate of Infinity

"It then immediately arrives using the rules for Deep Strike."


Vengeful Strike

"When a model with this special rule arrives by Deep Strike..."


So, do the gentlemen of the Deathwing twin-link after Gate? As far as I can tell, I'm going to be surprising an opponent with some awesome teleporting firepower (assuming I roll a 2 on Telekinesis).


For extra credit:


Tactical Precision

"Belial (and any model composed entirely of models with the Inner Circle special rule that he has joined) do not scatter when arriving by Deep Strike."


Again, feels pretty clear to me, but final verdict?

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Sounds good, you can always run a marine librarian with them to gate a squad around (not belials squad because then they would scatter), and with ravenwing you have 6 (because 5 is to few) terminators jumping around with no scatter to bring fire where its needed 5 storm bolters and a heavy weapon that split fires.
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Yeah, so only one in six chance of doing it (well, a little higher, since one of the powers is WC2).


Though I think Axagoras is talking about the teleport homers the Ravenwing are toting. From the wording of the homer, as long as the unit teleporting to it is composed of Terminators, it's legit as well.


I hadn't considered running Ravenwing in the list, but I might...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Unfortunately I think you will scatter if you attach a c:sm Libby as he is not part of the inner circle and therefore the whole unit isn't comprised by all inner circle models. However the TLing I'd say a big YES every time if we played. However I like to get my Libby in with pretty nails stuff as well so personally stick him in a pod with 10 combi melta sterngaurd with goi and null zone. Drop the pod then drop the DA with Belial for the most scatter. Libby can always join em the next round.


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