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Couple of questions regarding JoTWW & challenges.


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Ok, so I was playing a game with a friend yesterday and a couple of debates arose...


Firstly, Jaws of the world wolf and denying the witch. The FAQ only partly clears this up...


The FAQ says only the first unit affected can deny the witch, if its failed the power goes off and all units are affected...


But what if deny the witch is passed?


Does the power not go off at all?

Does the first unit not have to test but units/models after that do? I ask this because the BrB says 'the psychic powers effect on THAT unit is nullified', this is the argument my opponent used.

The FAQ seems to 'imply' otherwise but its not RAW.


Second question:

The BrB states that only one challenge may be issued per close combat... Ive searched the BrB but 'a close combat' does not seem to be defined.

does it mean per 1 round over on a player turn?

per 2 rounds over a game turn?

Or from when someone charges to when someone is wiped out or falls back?


Cheers for any help on clearing this up.

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1) The wording does look a little confusing, but the FAQ suggests that if they pass it, the power fails completely.


2) Read the rest of the paragraph, it quite clearly states that there's only one challenge per combat. Nothing to do with game turns. So if you're three game turns and the same challenge is ongoing another still cannot be issued in that combat.

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Just to be clear mate, if the challenge comes to an end because one of the characters is removed as a casualty but the combat is still on going, can any other challenges be issued?

Like, I know it says 'one challenge per combat' but the question I'm asking is... what is a combat?

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In the situation that happens as you described, you can declare another challenge. It's a little confusing, but only one challenge can be occurring at any given time in a combat. If someone wins the challenge, you can declare another.

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