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Forging a warband. How does it work? Who does it best?

Death Spectre

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I remember something about the Word Bearers Chaplains being sent out to make sure the Edict of Nikea was being followed. I want to say it was in Fear to Tread but I would not swear on it. As it stands, I have seen examples of four different Legions having their own Chaplains and three of those four were Traitor Legions: Word Bearers, Blood Angels(Fear to Tread), Night Lords(The Dark King and the Emperor's Children(Galaxy in Flames).

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Ah! I finally found it! Page 269.


"His name was Iarto Khoura and he had come to the Raven Guard shortly after the Edict of Nikea to ensure the ban on the Librarians was enforced. Like others of his kind throughout the Legions, he had been an unpopular figure, an embodiment of outside interference that aggravated the independently-minded Raven Guard.".


So there is evidence of the Word Bearers performing "missionary" work before, although this was in the Heresy setting. And as I said before, there are at least three other Legions who have their own Chaplains. But the notable absence of the Word Bearer Chaplains in many of the other Legions would suggest one of several possibilities:


1.) They returned to their parent Legion.

2.) They fell in battle and were never replaced.

3.) They were imprisoned by the Loyalist Legions they were serving with as Traitors who were awaiting due process.

4.) They were "forcibly removed."

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