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Stacking invulns


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My flgs is running the crusade of fire campaign and I just got a shield generator. 2 questions


1. The generator gives you a 4++ within 6inches. Would this stack with aura of dark glory or mark of tzeentch?


2. I have built a bank of computer screens for my artefact. They curve around in a sort of horseshoe shape which is about 4 inches in diameter. Am I accidentally modelling for an advantage? I just realised that the 6 inch area around my artefact is just about as big as possible. :S

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Well i know people didn't have a problem stacking the Sigil of Corruption(gives a flat 4++) with Mark of Tzeentch to get a 3++. So with MoT, I'd says yes. But with the Aura of Dark Glory which only gives a flat 5++, I'd say no, that the Shield Generator instead supersedes the Aura and gives a 4++ as long as the character/unit is in range of the generator.
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^ That would be how I read it as well: The Mark of Tzeentch will work, the Aura of Dark Glory won't.


I don't think you have modelled to your advantage with the generator either- if it looks like a good representation of a shield generator (and my inner nerd lit up when I read you'd done a horse shoe of computers ^_^) then I don't see the problem. The only other way to do it would be to define with your gaming group whether each unique item like the generator, should have it's own base size, and then stick to that. If it's open to interpretation I'd be happy as long as it looked like it would do the job.

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