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Background story for Fallen Angel Chaos Army

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I am working on my chaos space marine army story back ground.  This is just currently a rough basics the story that is in the works.


My army will be Fallen Angels.  Zahriel will be leading it as the Supreme Grand Master.  Before Lion El’Jonson had returned to Caliban, Luther had sent Zahriel into the Eye of Terror with one of the many chapters of Dark Angels on Caliban at the time to commune with daemons.  Part of the task force included many new space marine Librarians under the tutelage of Zahariel.  Before Zahariel was planning to return he had sensed two different events.  First the fall of Nemiel – Brother-Redemptor chaplain at the hand of their primarch Lion El’Jonson.  Second was the Luther falling from the grace of the chaos gods at the destruction of Caliban.  Zhariel and his force decided to reside in the Eye of Terrror planning their revenge on the Dark Angels and Luther.  


A majority of the forces under his command would remain devoted to Chaos undivided, but Zahriel and many of his sorcerers were dedicating themselves to Tzeentch.  Over the next hundred years after the failure of the Horus Heresy, Zahriel researched how to bring back his cousin Nemiel.  He then performed a ceremony the help of all the sorcerers in his band and with many human sacrifices they have captured on raids to pulls Nemiel’s soul out of the warp and rematerialize a new body for him.   He was successful and Nemiel was blessed by the gods and in his own hatred of Lion El’Jonson became a Dark Apostle of Chaos Undivided.


Together Zahriel and Nemiel lead this fallen Dark Angel chapter on their revenge against the dark angels and Luther.  They normally do small raids and target isolated groups of Dark Angels and their successor chapters.  They have also started chaos cults around the galaxy usually leaving a few or one in charge of them to draw out the Dark Angels and their successor chapters.  Nemiel works on converting those marines who are captured that have not risen that far into the circles of the Dark Angels and the successor chapters.  Most are killed in the process, but there is a small growing number of converted marines who mostly fight in regular squad.  They retain their armor colors except for one shoulder in original dark angel colors and Legion symbol.  The imperial icons on their armor is disfigured or destroyed and they have added symbols of chaos to their armor.  The marines that aren’t converted or who they killed in the pursuit of the Dark Angels and their successor chapters are taken by Zahriel.  Zahriel and his fellow sorcerers have developed rites to reanimated the fallen to fight against their own brethren (I will be using Thousands of Sons rules for this).  They serve as shock troops to horrify Imperial Dark Angels. 


Until recently, their appearances have been seldom or in small numbers outside of the Eye of Terror.  Now after the 13th Black Crusade, they have taken to operate in larger numbers and hope to bring the loyalties of the Dark Angels and their successor chapters into question with the rest of the Imperium. 

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No offense, but I would perhaps wait a bit for the rest of the Heresy series to develop before I would say that Zahariel left for the Eye of Terror before the Lion left for Caliban. Second, the 13th Black Crusade has officially been retconned into "not happening yet"(Codex CSM 6th Edition). As such, there can unfortunately be no "post-Crusade" events as the outcome of the Crusade(both the actual campaign result and the White Dwarf "touch-up") are now null and void.


However, I will encourage you to try again as a few alterations here and there, such as maybe a coalition of Fallen finding each other in the Eye after the shattering of Caliban and forming a warband who then tried to resurrect their dead brethren and the removal of already published characters as their background can get pretty tricky if an author ever decides to publish something about them.

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So I should keep the idea of two leaders, a sorcerer (Tzeentch) and a dark apostle (undivided)?  Still have the sorcerer raising the dead marines of the dark angels and other unforgiven chapters (runes and blood chaos symbols added to their armor, maybe bullet holes and use zombie and/or skeleton parts where armor has fallen away).  Then have a few regular chaos space marines and terminators, some a fallen, some are converted unforgiven chapter members.  Have a great deal of daemon possessed vehicles to represent the supplementing their forces (paint some  rhinos and/or predators or vindicators in the colors of unforgiven chapters and do some modeling for daemonic possession) and have defilers, helldrakes, forgefiend, and/or maulerfiends.  Should I give up the concept of a fallen angel chapter sent from  caliban by Luther into the Eye of Terror?


In addition, I have read in a few GW fallen angel stories about cultist being styled in a mockery of the Dark Angels.  Does anyone have an idea what they mean?  Just armor/clothing in green or black with the dark angel chapter symbol?  Stylize carapace armor to look like power armor?  Just wondering since cultist seems to be a big thing with fallen angels.

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  • 1 month later...

Okay, so I have been rethinking the background story and here what I have come up with.


A fallen angel techmarine.  The techmarine became a warpsmith.   Over time he first teamed up with a fallen angel sorcerer who became who close friend and advisor.  They begin to gather a few other fallens to their side.  When ever they find a lone dark angel or unforgiven chapter spacemarine or small squad, they attempt to capture them and work on breaking them with the many questions they have about the secrecy of the unforgiven chapters (a lot of ideas from reading Ravenwing for this).  Many do not give into being broken and joining them.  They also have fought small groups of the unforgiven over time.  The fallen angel warpsmith worked with the fallen angel sorcerer to reanimate dead unforgiven space marines with place a daemon into the armor.   Over time they begin to develop a number of these daemon possessed power armor suits.


To fund his research, he has offered up his small band to varying chaos warlords of the centuries.  One Iron Warrior Warsmith becomes intrigued with his daemon possessed power armor suits and offers to the fallen angel warpsmith he can have access to his forges if he swears an oath of loyalty to him and teaches him this technology.  The warsmith also did this make his captians work harder having new rivals.  The Warpsmith swear the oath and begins to work for the Warsmith. 


This has a lot of work still to complete and refine.  His forces will concentrate on daemonic possessed warmachines and these daemon possessed suits of power armor represented by Thousand of Sons for rules. 


I am thinking about using the new finecast Asmodai for the basis of the Warsmith.


I've been doing a fair bit more reading, rereading Angels of Darkness and read for the first time Ravenwing.  Ravenwing has given me many ideas.


How does this compare to what I said a few months ago?

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Should I give up the concept of a fallen angel chapter sent from  caliban by Luther into the Eye of Terror?

No, it's cool.




In addition, I have read in a few GW fallen angel stories about cultist being styled in a mockery of the Dark Angels.

Dressing them and using them as the DA chapter's serfs, I guess. Maybe telling them about the shame of the DA, just to ensure that everyone in the warband have fun.


Liking most of your ideas, but I'd be less firm on the 13BC than Kol. GW never stated that the global campaign never happened, and  I think they use it as the last entry of their chronology just because they don't want to go too far and change the universe too much. So the 13th BC is ongoing to me, with new additions like the Crimson Path and stuff. That is also why my black company has Vigilatum and Cadia in its battle honours as they fought for the fall of those planets (with great success !).

So you could play and write with that matter, but just make sure to do it with wisdom, as overextending wouldn't be wise.

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I like both of your ideas. For a multitude of reasons. 


1. For the most part they are decently fleshed out. A few things, though. The 13th Black Crusade has kinda turned into a grey area in 6th from what I'm gathering. Why not rewind maybe  another crusade? Not many of them have been written about in detail and you could take a good deal of creative liberty with them. As for the timing of your pre heresy/heresy events, I can give no guidance because I have not read much of the Dark Angels HH books, and probably never will.


2. The Priest, The Mage, and The Smith. Having three 'leaders' imo would offer a great deal of list building potential. Also the modeling opportunities that it brings up is great. You could have three distinct sections of your army, those that follow many the Apostle, Sorcerer or Smith respectively. SO.MANY.OPTIONS.


3. The new dark angels models look great. I would be lying if I said I haven't gotten a few and made them night lords.


4. 'But the universe is a big place and, whatever happens, you will not be missed...' aka do what you're happy with (within reason). There could be thousands of explanations as to this or that. Jedi Mind Tricks, Vulcan Mind Melds, Swamp Gas, Tzeentch being the tricky bastard he is and giving someone visions of an alternate history.


5. Have fun with it man.



Look forward to seeing some of your stuff in the WIP section in the (near/far) future.

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