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Looking towards meshing my homebrew force with another


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So originally for my Idolators, I was wanting to do them as a dual faction Slaanesh/Tzeentch, and then decided at some point I'd switch from Tzeentch to Nurgle. I still want to have a Nurgle contingent for my force, but I don't see a way I can do my split color scheme of bright purple and turquoise work for them. So instead, I am looking at having an allied warband that fills in some gaps for the Idolators.


For initial fleshing out, I'm thinking Iron Hands successor renegades, with an Oriental flair. The idea is that these are a heavily teched up marines, and they provide maintenance and vehicle construction for my Slaaneshis. Basic marines would be converted with robotic parts and extra armor, with some subtle Nurgle indicators, like leaking at armor joints, or an arrangement of parts that make up the Nurgle symbol. Specialist units like Plague Marines, Obliterators, or Sorcerers would be more overt in the organic/"fatman" aspect of Nurgle. My Warpsmith and some duplicate vehicles from my main force would fall under these guys.


So far the test paint scheme I have for these guys is:




It's a bit off from what I fully envision it to be though, the green I plan to use is Vallejo Game Color Jade Green, the bronze would be tin bitz, and the silver boltgun metal. No idea what I would name them, but their symbol would be a cog with only three teeth.

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You could still use a purple/pick with the turquoise/green. The clash of colors would be extreme enough that it would stand out to slaaneshi followers because of it's extreme contrast. I mean to you and I, I don't think it would look to good, but it would fit in fluff wise I suppose. It wouldn't even have to be that extreme, just some danger stripes, in the style of the iron warriors.


Just my two cents. Your over all idea seems great though.

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