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My LPC 2013 thread (Deathwing)


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Between board upgrades, busy real life and all, it took some time to get this thread finally started. But hey, here it is. smile.png

For this year's painting challenge I will be painting up three (yes, yes you read correctly) Deathwing Terminators to finish a 5-man squad I've been working on. I have so much unbuilt Unforgiven stuff right now, so I will be taking it easy on the painting front. Once I get these bad boys finished I'm entering a full-time assembly mode. But enough of that.

This pic, or the starting point if you will, was taken soon after I pledged my vow earlier this month. I've already been working on these Termies, getting highlights and shading done. Since gallery upload is not working for me yet, I registered a Photobucket account to get this thread going. The pic is not great, but I'll try to up the quality in the future.

Here they are:


Thanks for looking! More stuff will follow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well you know, I've actually been working on my Vow. I also managed to take slightly better pictures, natural lighting really does wonders.

Shading and highlighting has been done, as is the metallics aside from the Badab Black Wash. I'm currently painting tubes and ribbing between the armour plates grey, and they also will receive a black wash. Also, the close-up photo really does hammer home the fact, that some tidying up is going to be needed. Just look at the eye of the CML Terminator, brutal, just brutal. tongue.png

Alright here are the pictures. I'm off to blast some Slipknot from Spotify and continue painting the greys. Thanks for looking!




  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

In the name of the Lion: Vow Finished!

Here are the finished fellas (the pictures don't really show the highlights, might go with pure skull white next time):


And an extra shot with them posing with the rest of the squad:


And that's it for my Vow. Next up I'm gonna finally gorge myself on some new DA kits. Belial, A Nephilim, Deathwing Knights and some Black Knights are waiting! smile.png

Thanks for looking!


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