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Hello, everyone

The Acid Dog

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Hello, how are all of you doing?  Seeing as this is in introduction forum I figured I might as well make one.  I'm a resident of Wisconsin, USA, and I've been a GW wargamer for about half of my life, now.  I'm only 24, so that's not toooo long, right?  I started out with Black Templars (Sons of Dorn hold a special place in my heart), but I've since expanded my collection to include Grey Knights, Space Wolves, Dark Angels, Crimson Fists, Chaos Space Marines, Imperial Guard, and exactly two Blood Angels models.


Since I'm posting, I suppose I'll ask a question while I'm here.  I could have sworn Bolter & Chainsword had a forum for fanfic before now.  Was that the case?  If so, will it have one again?  I'm currently homeless (and as of last week jobless), and one of the ways I pass the time is writing.  I was hoping for a place to post up some short stories and see what other 40k fans thought and perhaps improve my writing.


Edit: Nevermind!  Just found the place.


Either way, happy to be here and meet all of you.

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