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Emperor's Children (Heresy, sorta) added new pics 12 Sep '15


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My Ironclad Dread with converted Twin Linked Lascannonhttp://imageshack.us/a/img839/710/20130113133122957.jpg




I'll add more pics to this later. I've been working on this army for quite some time, decided to take some pics with my phone, they turned out ok, SOOOO... I will be taking some more and (hopefully) post things up here as I finish them. I have around 3k points for these guys, less than half painted, maybe by posting pics I'll have some incentive to paint a little faster smile.png

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1st Plasma Cannon Devastator


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Really nice looking minis there! I guess when you say "sorta" you mean you're just using the 40k models for the 30k paintscheme, but hey they look great so even if you don't use the (overpriced in my poor-man's opinion) heresy-era figurines and dreads it looks like it'll be an army to be proud of. smile.png

I like all the fine-detailing on the small-areas, buttons and panels (and the shield in the back)... I'm far too lazy to do that for things like tac-marines, hah. If you can keep up that standard when you're done with the army they'll look extremely Heretica... err... loyal... that's it, yes... no Heresy to see here, move along...

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Really nice looking minis there! I guess when you say "sorta" you mean you're just using the 40k models for the 30k paintscheme, but hey they look great so even if you don't use the (overpriced in my poor-man's opinion) heresy-era figurines and dreads it looks like it'll be an army to be proud of. smile.png

I like all the fine-detailing on the small-areas, buttons and panels (and the shield in the back)... I'm far too lazy to do that for things like tac-marines, hah. If you can keep up that standard when you're done with the army they'll look extremely Heretica... err... loyal... that's it, yes... no Heresy to see here, move along...

Thanks :) ,

You hit the nail on the head. I'm using 40k minis with a 30k look, as my budget does not al low for too many of the "correct" minis.

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The same for me, I'd really love to shell out a few hundred on the heresy models... but alas, budget does not allow it.


If you're painting them all to that standard I don't think anyone could complain, as what did people do before Forgeworld? Just use the 40k stuff... so it's all good.


Looking forward to seeing more of it, especially any of the named-characters. Good luck!

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Completed all plasma Devastator Squad with acting Sgt. Machavelli




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I really like your paint scheme.  Your golds and purples work well together without being too crazy.  My one suggestion is in regards to the Chaplain: he cries out for some writing on his parchment.

Thank you.  I agree he needs some writing.  I haven't done it, because I'm afraid it's just a little beyond my comfort level, and I'd like to leave it alone until I'm sure I can pull it off properly :)

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Captain Hondar.  He was the 1st mini I painted for my Emperor's Children.  All these were done probably 5 years or so ago.




Command Squad Veterans






Apothecary Pallas (He got named after I read the Soul Drinkers books)






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Vangaurd Veteran (the rest of his squad is awaiting the arrival of their jump packs)





1st Lascannon Devastator,  I hope to have the other three done in time for this weekends game





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Devastator Squad #2 with Sgt Eps Freem




Captain Tarvitz (until I get a better model for him anyhow)


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A bit of work with green stuff can mock up Mark IV armor (the helmet's the major weird bit).

Heresy armor mostly requires putting studs all over everything. Both would seem possible if you're talented enough to sculpt jet exhaust.

They look nice, mind you. I just thought I'd suggest it in case you'd been too intimidated by the massive quantities of resin Forge World is churning out these days. smile.png

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A bit of work with green stuff can mock up Mark IV armor (the helmet's the major weird bit).

Heresy armor mostly requires putting studs all over everything. Both would seem possible if you're talented enough to sculpt jet exhaust.

They look nice, mind you. I just thought I'd suggest it in case you'd been too intimidated by the massive quantities of resin Forge World is churning out these days. smile.png

Thanks for the Idea, but I didn't sculpt the exhausts, they came with the jump pack smile.png It's not the quantities of resin that intimidate me, just the prices. I have some FW stuff on the way, Im just not going to worry TOO awful much about keeping the models strictly pre-heresy.

I'll most assuredly get any EC specific models FW releases though.

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Vanguard Veteran squad is finished, though I might swap out the jump pack on the Mk III guy. 







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Rylanor The Unyielding, Ancient of Rites of the III Legiones Astartes






C&C welcome and thanks for looking smile.png

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This was my 1st attepmt at g.s. molding.  I made some molds of details on my contemptor for Legion icons to put on my tanks.






The III came out a touch crooked, but oh well...

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