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What to do next with a small Flesh Tearer force

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Hello good B&C'ers, im looking for some advice, after a week off, ive ressurected an old BA army that i had around 15 years ago with some paint striping and repainting as as a Flesh Tearer force, im after some advice on some fluffy upgrades and to make it semi viable in some kind of friendly list. where im struggling with is with HQ choices and generally not knowing where to go next. not sure points wise but 1500-2000 is fine



so far ive done the following:


10 Assault Marines - with 2 MeltaGuns and Sgt with Power Sword.

10 Tactical Marines with flamer and Multi-Melta - Sgt with Power Axe.

5 Sternguard with 2 combi-Meltas (the standard  GW pack)


1 Vindicator

1 Razroback (standard Turret Variants)

1 Rhino

1 Land Raider Redeemer.



I dont know about Gabriel Seth, is he worth it, im guessing yes, but well you guys are the BA forum and full of Knowledge.





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Seth is ok, but suffers from not being able to get where he needs to be. Tycho is generally seen as 'better', due to ignoring saves, but pick the one that you think is the most awesome, and they will always do well.


An assault squad with him in the redeemer would work nicely.


Librarians work well with many BA forces, amplifying both shooting and combat (with prescience/rage).


Do you want your army to be assault dominated, or counter assault? Its quite shooty at the moment, which works well, backed by a combat unit for countercharge. Sanguinary guard are small and elite, and would protect a firebase/go objective clearing well.


A good choice would be a priest to anchor that firebase with FnP.

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Seth is fine if you have him in an assault unit to punch other people, but I think you can get that Flesh Tearer feel with some Death Company and a reclusiarch too. They pack a punch, are fluffy enough for a chapter that is dying, but still fun to play with. If you get a Lemartes model and magnetize the backpack, you can use him as an elite chaplain, HQ Reclusiarch, or upgrade character Lemartes, depending on your squad's purpose and point cost.


Also, a Blood Angel Furioso Dreadnought is good. I bet if you painted it in that dark red and black, then magnetized the front plate and arms, you'd have yourself a multi-use dreadnought that could help your shooters as a librarian, fly across the board in a SR or a drop pod.

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