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LPC Steel Vanguard Project


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oh my what have I gotten myself in! I have started my LPC one full tac squad,
dread, thunderfire cannon, storm talon and a master of the forge.... I didnt
even know what colors I wanted to use for the DIY when I made my damned pledge!
Well I got all my assorted bits in order and have primed about half of the
project and started painting the tac squad. Please be kind I am a very new
painter so advice is most welcome.


What it looked like when I drug the "challenge" out of my bedroom. My soul
stealing cat joey stands above the fray waiting for his chance.




Dred primed and on sprue



Parts needed to make the dred a mortis pattern



Master of the forge primed with his ultra sexy conversion
beamer, yes bigger is better when it comes to guns!



Assorted bits that will be the tac squad, oh yes marvel at
my amazing organizational skills!



Primed and glued test marine!



Same marine painted, well kinda.



Close up, need to do eyes and detail paint and highlights



All photos taken with my crappy phone as my real camera decided to have a lens error and wont work




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Greetings Brother! That's a great start right there! I do hope you cleaned off the mold line on that marine before you painted him :P So are they an iron hands successor?


The Autocannon Dred parts, where are they from?


Keep up the good work!

Greetings Brother! That's a great start right there! I do hope you cleaned off the mold line on that marine before you painted him tongue.png So are they an iron hands successor?

The Autocannon Dred parts, where are they from?

Keep up the good work!

They are indeed a IH successor chapter, you can follow a link in my sig to learn more about them.

Sadly I did not remove the mold line sleep.png I am still new to painting and working on the figs.

Autocannon parts came from puppeswar smile.png His leg is from maxmini arms are from IH chapter kit, head and shoulders are from chapterhouse.


Some shots of some more tac marines getting ready, the power
sword sgt will have a decapitated necron wraith head in his hand. Sorry for the
quality of shots but once again this is my crappy phone. More work needed on
them some need shoulder pads, other back packs, some need purity seals or loin
cloths etc

The multi melta gun guy needs a lot of work and more guitar
string (cables) between his weapon and backpack to simulate that it is fused to
his arm










My very first dred, mortis pattern! Remember those great organizational
skills I wrote about in my first post? Well I kinda lost all my instructions
for the dred and the thunderfire cannon. Here to winging it!

We are glued and primed smile.png (except the arms need fitted better and glued and trimmed even more)




Thanks for the feedback guys! I am currently in the middle of a battle with my thunderfire cannon the whole no instructions part was killing me till my wife found them hidden right beside my desk sleep.png

Friday I should have a better update with pics and saturday I should make progress somewhere as well as I have a day off!

And yes they do look like arnold termies! I like how they look, I wanted them to look different than vanilla marines.

Ok guys not going to lie, this is a much more pain in the
butt than my last army. Mind you last time I played it was 4th
edition and I was younger… my BT were basically black primer, decals and a
lil bone white sleep.png

So a lot of this is very new to me; such as washing, dry
brush etc and as you will see I have a lot of work left to do.



“Leaning into/ bracing with his flamer”




Mortis Pattern Dred still being worked on…. Base coasted
then tried a wash….more work to be done




Tac marine with bolt pistol/chainsword





Just more tac marines being butchered by yours truly




This guy is the custom one I tried to make. He is sporting
the melta wired to his arm, he is posed to be looking over a ledge. My group
plays with lots of terrain such as ruins. I wanted him to look like he was
peering over the side.


The gang so far

They look good. Definitely a unique commitment to Iron over Flesh that surpasses even the Iron Hands.


I must say though, I could only imagine an interaction between them and any other Chapter beginning with "Do you even live, bro?"


 Maybe any other chapter besides the IH themselves. I am sure they would be looked at with suspicion by a great many chapters because of the whole machine thing. But at least techmarines and the ad mech would find them unique to say the least. Like I have said before, I wanted them to be different than the other 1,000 chapters out there and I hope I managed to do that :)



 On a side note the rest of the tac squad will be worked on today and if I have the will I will start on the tfire cannon. I still have to put together my master of the Forge and the techmarine that goes with the tfire cannon. Also anyone have any ideas as to where I could find plasma cannons for the mind wiped slaves  faithfull servitors? or should I just try to kitbash them also?


As always advice is welcome





Another update, I know lighting is horrible but it is nighttime… and this is a camera phone so bear with me.










 This is the work on the Master of the Forge so far, I need to fix his eye and do some dry brush and highlights.






The tac squad + dred




Next photos will have the tfire painted, and it’s techmarine then I will have to get started on the
Storm Talon



 More work done on the Master of the forge


Other look at him work is progressing still some spots that need work.




Work being done to the thunderfire


I will post a pic of the techmarine soon, I am waiting on some neat paint to ship in for my bases :) I am hoping to go for a dry cracked mars like surface to contrast the dark marines I have.


Any pointers on the storm talon? I am just about ready to start on it.... should I paint it in pieces before it is put together or just paint it after assembly? 

  • 3 weeks later...




 Sorry for the delay
in an update but things have been busy in my neck of the woods! I finished the
tech marine and have the stormtalon primed and will work on it this weekend. This
update is more about what you will see coming.




Pictured is a valkyrie (will be a vendetta), a leman russ
(will be magnetized between battle cannon and executioner), predator, a
vindicator another iron hands conversion kit a plasma cannon servitor kit. and
a TINY pic of the tech marine. You can see my puppies in the background also,
so now you have seen the devil cat joey and my devil dogs Hazel and Dexter.




Not pictured is my greenstuff, my greenstuff industries
tentacle maker, assorted bits from small companies across the interwebs. There
will be another rifleman dred with the same auto-cannon arms as my first one.
The chapter I am making will use IG allies heavily and they will of course be
all sorts of ad mechy! I will make use of the microarts studio guys for my rank
and file IG men so they will be my version of the tech guard.




This is a picture of a fig I plan to convert for my counts
as Marbo! I have yet to name her but she will be a sister of cydonia aka a tech
priest assassin. From lexi: They
were noted as being a law unto themselves and answered to no authority beyond
their unknown masters within their homelands. Its members were noted to be
augmented both mechanically, chemically and genetically to enhance their
natural abilities and making them superior killing machines.






So I have a lot
on my plate to get to work on guys! Wish me luck and I hope to have the talon
done soon so my LPC vow can be finished and I can move on to making my army! As
always I look forward to your comments. I am also searching for the right conversion
project for my counts as harker also so if you have any insane ideas throw them
at me!


Looking good fella, look forward to seeing what else you make. Especially the Ad Mech Allies.

Also, fantastic looking Dobbie's there, I've had the breed and Rottweilers for the past twenty years.

My counts as Marbo just arrived by mail today and I am waiting on a lot more stuff to come.

Rotties and Dobbies are both great breeds and my two are HUGE puppies.... just over a year old

HI..finally some proper IW elites.. msn-wink.gif

I'm curious..where do you find those shoulder pads?

chapterhouse maybe?

IW elites? Sorry I dont know what that means -_-

The shoulderpads are indeed chapterhouse! They do some great work over there and are always fast and reliable! Once I saw they had the cog shoulder pad I had to buy some. I am hoping they put out some more stuff soon.

  • 2 weeks later...

Well guys I am back from a vacation and with a few days to spare I can even work on my army and work towards finishing my LPC vow!


Here you will see the WIP of the storm talon, a lot of paiting to do sleep.png



A sneak peek at my WIP counts as Marbo




Ah yes my counts as IG troops, I have a lot of work to do on these guys, I have 30 of them so far for my allied detatch.



various servo skulls to adorn my figs


Lasgun robo arms for the wip tech guard

Also on the to do list is the leman russ, dakka pred and a vindi..... and the vendetta................. and another tac squad that will look a lot like the first ones I did earlier in the thread.


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