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The Angels of Purgation

The Emperor's Fists

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Be known, this is the chapter I play with the minatures, so there will be a section for the characters I use.



The Angels of Pugation are a Dark Angel successor chapter founded during the 19th founding in the 36th millenium.  They were created without the Dark Angel's consent or knowledge, who were summoned to Terra as the process was finished.  When the delegation of representatives showed up, the fledgling chapter was quite literally dumped on them.  Not knowing what else to do, the Dark Angels present, called upon the Rock for advice.  After a meeting, the Inner Circle decided to adopt the chapter into thier ways.  But not before testing them.


Taking the young chapter into their arms, they immediately subjected the entire 700 or so battle brothers to psychic analysis to test their purity of mind.  They ran the chapter through combat drills, indoctrinated them to the Dark Angels' way of war, and subjecting them to trials.  When all was said and done, 542 brothers emerged as the Angels of Purgation.  With the Dark Angels holding the young Angels' fledling fleet as collateral, the young chapter had one trial left.


A baptism by fire.  On the planet of Forlo III, an Ork Waghhh! was destroying all in its path, and the Dark Angels were enroute to assist.  The battle plan called for 3 places of attack. The Angels of Purgation chose the deadlist mission as thier test.  To lead a direct assault on the Orks, and to cut the head off of the snake.


Following a short but incredibly brutal and intense orbital barrage, the Angels of Purgation hit the drop pods, with thier entire chapter strength. Coming down in screaming metal comets, shattering Orks and viechles alike with thier impacts onto solid ground.  The hatches blew and the Angels used Holy Bolter and Plasma to cleanse and purge the planet.  Here a battle brother named Silas would gain reknown and begin the path to Grand Master of the chapter by slaying the Ork Warboss with his combat knife when bolters ran dry.

After slaying the Warboss, the Chapter pulled out with Thunderhawks leaving only destruction as their calling card.  Having thus proved themselves they were given control of their fleet, and the current Chapter Master was indcuted into the rites of the Inner Circle.  They then started an unending crusade, taking their fleet and bringing the cleansing light of plasma to the dark corners of the galaxy.


Using their stubborn demenor that could only come from a son of the Lion, and vicious drop pod assaults that left enemies flat footed and reeling, they gained a long catalouge of battle honors and victories.  And all was well in for the chapter.  For a time.


The tides turn: In the 41st millinium, on the hunt for a Fallen Angel leading a chaos warband, the Angels' luck turned. After Attacking the battleship that carried the warband and disabling it, the Angels of Purgation led a boarding action, and then proceeded to retreat to their ships, after scuttling it onto a near by moon, so they could use their shock and awe tactics to full effect on the traitor position. They began sustained orbital bombardments to cover the deployment of their Ravenwing.


Once deployed, the drop pod assault began, where the Angels of Purgation commit 6 full companies tasked with containing the traitor elements to their positions and beginning the assault.  Wherever the traitors push, the Death Wing are deployed as a sledgehammer blow and in several places the traitor's lines crack and break. When the Grand Master of the Angels of Purgation finds the hunted Fallen Angel, he challenges him to single combat, and subdues him.


It is at this point, that the Angels are destroyed.  The warpsmith who kept the ship maintained is able to get the engines working for just long enough to detonate them, and destroy the moon.  In space the remaining Angels of Purgation are horrified as they lose almost their entire Inner Circle. Further more over 700 battle brothers perish and almost all of their ships in orbit of the planet who are too close to the shock waves are destroyed.  It is at this point, that Silas becomes the Grand Master of the chapter, for he was wounded during the boarding actions the disabled the prey's ship, and was unable to commence in the drop pod assault. Being the only surviving Company Master left, he goes to the Rock to be inducted into the highest levels of the Inner Circle.


With little more than 200 brothers, the Angels of Purgation are unable to commit to frontal assaults anymore, and with only a single battle barge left, they are no longer able to conduct the operations they once were able to.  But however, Silas and his brothers are Sons of the Lion, and as long as they draw breath, they will fight. They began operating as an auxillery force for the Dark Angels, always following the Rock, and protecting flanks, or conducting rear gaurd actions.  No longer able to commit to massive drop pod assaults, they gain a new name for holding ground against terrible odds and prevailing.


But they feel the time of their chapter is coming to a close. The librarians talk of dreams and nightmares about the end times being soon, and that the Angels of Purgation will either rise from the ashes with their sins washed clean, or be destroyed.


Gene-seed: Being of Dark Angel stock, the Gene Seed of the Angels of Purgation is almost 100% pure, and there is little to degredation in it.


Battle cry: None, the Angels fight in silence.


Home World: None, they are fleet based, and often take in recruits at the same time as the Dark Angels.


I'm done for now, I'll finish this at some other time, with character bios, combat actions of note, and other stuff. Edit the typos and such. Just tired right now. Questions, comments, suggestions are all welcome.

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The Angels of Pugation are a Dark Angel successor chapter founded during the 19th founding in the 36th millenium.

The 19th Founding isn't in the 36th millenium (the 21st is at the very tail end of M35 per the most recent BRB). I guessed some time around 800.M35, IIRC, when I did my big ol' table of founding dates.


They were created without the Dark Angel's consent or knowledge, who were summoned to Terra as the process was finished. When the delegation of representatives showed up, the fledgling chapter was quite literally dumped on them. Not knowing what else to do, the Dark Angels present, called upon the Rock for advice. After a meeting, the Inner Circle decided to adopt the chapter into thier ways. But not before testing them.

You're making some really big assumptions about how chapters are founded here. We have no evidence that the training cadre isn't just given some geneseed and the best wishes of the High Lords (which makes more sense to me than a bunch of adepts training a bunch of Space Marines). Ten or twenty marines and a thousand progenoids can create a chapter well inside a century. Maybe twenty years for real combat effectiveness.


* * *


You could expand on this a bit, I think. More about what the Angels are like as Marines. I kind of like the story, for all that I think the early stuff may be incompatible with how chapters are made (though it also may not be).


Seriously, though - some insight into who they are would be good, and that stuff often comes from the sections you've glossed over. How does this chapter think? What do they value? That sort of thing.


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