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New Codex Artwork


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I love prettymuch every piece of art in the CSM codex, and while some of theartworks have made their way onto the web in pretty impressive resolutions, a few remain very elusive. I'm not 100% clear on the rules regarding the posting of art and IP etc, so hopefully this thread isn't problematic. What I really want to know is if anyone knows of a higher quality version of this:




Which is my favourite piece in the codex and probably all of 40k. Does anyone know who the artist is?

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Yeah, I like that one a lot...but I have never noticed that huge freaking chain in the background before...



Also, Ahriman's new picture is quite nice I think, and also obviously the front picture, and the one on the inside of the cover(even though it's all in red hues)...

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Yeah, I like that one a lot...but I have never noticed that huge freaking chain in the background before...


Haha, I've never noticed that either, that is a big chain! Links bigger than a thunderhawk...

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Yeah, I like that one a lot...but I have never noticed that huge freaking chain in the background before...


Haha, I've never noticed that either, that is a big chain! Links bigger than a thunderhawk...


When you have space ships that are miles/KMs long they need some pretty big anchors.

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Hmm, yeah I guess so. Don't the ships usually stay in high orbit though, hence the use of thunder hawks etc? Not sure you really need an anchor in space! hehe. Unless they've chained the planet to the ships in order to steal the planet & drag it to the eye... maybs.

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Yeah, I like that one a lot...but I have never noticed that huge freaking chain in the background before...


Haha, I've never noticed that either, that is a big chain! Links bigger than a thunderhawk...




That chain is obviously a link to the Realm of Chaos. Or something.


Anyone know who did this picture (and where to get it with a better resolution)?



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1024 is the biggest I've ever seen for that slaanesh wallpaper, I don't think the original image ever made it onto the web in a better res.


Since my initial question was met with such success, I'm also looking for a highres of this, if anyone knows where I can find one~




And, honestly, any of the art from the new 'dex. It'd be nice to have a compilation of it.

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Good thing  I have this one saved up.

Black Legion kicking Ultramarines where it hurts : http://imageshack.us/f/5/csmartcorrected.jpg/

To be honest, this one and the one you requested earlier are the only too really great artworks in the codex IMO. The cartoonish look of most was pretty disappointing, not gonna lie.

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